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m y  s i s t e r  i s  d y i n g 

Extra- 10 

lowercase is intended for fillers

"you remember the time thyme freaked out when i got my first period and called you?" praepailin laughed as she held onto the hotpack against her stomach.

"how can i forget that?" ren laughed at the memory.

thyme groaned, "both of us had no idea what was happening! you can't blame me."

praepailin laughed, "i'm not! and i love you for that!" she laughed and hugged thyme who jokingly pushed her off. 

four years ago;

roselyn had left her two children in the resort during their trip to jeju island as she was finishing up work with their older sister who had just turned eighteen.

the fourteen year old siblings had just woken up at nine in the morning.

well more like thyme being woken up by praepailin screaming.

thyme fell out of his bed and ran towards the source.

he banged on the washroom door, "ei prae! why are you screaming so early in the morning?"

"i think i'm dying!" she screamed back.

thyme's eyes widened as she snapped out of his sleepy state, "what do you mean your dying? cancer comes in slowly!"

"dying doesn't always mean cancer! i-"

"you what?" thyme shouted.

praepailin groaned, "i'm bleeding..."

"where?" thyme asked.

praepailin groaned again, "under there..."

"under where?"

if it was a normal circumstance, praepailin would have laughed for making thyme say underwear but she was currently freaking out.

"under there ai thyme! use your brain!"


"yeah!" praepailin shouted, "what do i do? i don't know what's happening!" she said sounding exhausted.

"i'll call mae... or someone..." thyme sighed and went to go get his iphone seven. (... rich kids-)

instead of calling roselyn, he did the more logical thing and called ren.

"why are you calling me seven in the morning?" ren asked in his sleepy voice.

if praepailin was in the room, she would have thought how good he sounded.

"what are you talking about? it's nine." thyme shouted.

"we are in different timezones ai sutt!" ren said.

"oh yeah..."

"why are you calling?" ren asked.

"oh yes, my sister is dying!" thyme shouted.

ren almost fell out of bed, "don't scream like that! what happened to prae?"


thankyou for reading<3

requested : @MrsParamanantra

gu rak all of you<3

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