Berica Watch Continued

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So I know you have all been waiting for this day... maybe... but finally here is part two of the last Berica watch! feel free to go back and re-read the last one, as I know its been a while and you might have forgotten what happened, but the basic rundown is Trixie found Erica's diary and is about to expose all her deep and dark secrets. Hope you enjoy!


Trixie created a new chat
Trixie added Catherine, Mike, Alexander, Chip, Jawa

Trixie: Guys! I'm back. Sorry, I had to run from Erica. Mike and I are hiding. 

Mike: :)

Alexander: Trixie and Mike... hiding... together.... 

Catherine: Shut up Alexander. That is not the most important crises right now. 


Chip: OH YES

Jawa: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jawa: still in shock over the fact that ERICA HALE HAS A DIARY

Trixie: she also has posters of kittens and throw pillows and teapots in her room, dont be so shocked. 

Trixie: also dont tell Erica I told you any of that- she swore me to secrecy. 





Catherine: SHUT UP

Trixie: okay. the diary. 

Trixie: I am going to use voice type to narrate what she says

Trixie: here we go!

Trixie:  here is an entry from two Januarys ago when Ben first came to Spy School:

Ben got kidnapped from the security room. It was all my fathers fault- he took Bens protection when he thought he had the enemy, only "the enemy" was Bens best friend from his normal school, Mike something. He was supposedly trying to spring Ben for a party... I mean I say don't trust anyone but Ben insists that we can trust Mike. I don't know.  Guess we'll find out. Right now, Ben is being questioned. Unfortunately his nonexistent fighting skills failed him yet again and he got captured by the administration. At least I know he's relatively safe there. Anyway, I need to go hunt down Chip Schacter, but before I do I needed to get this out so that I can forget about it and go back to my normal no emotions self. After all that's what this stupid book is for.  Today when I rescued Ben from his kidnappers I brought him to my secret hiding spot in the Washington Monument to lay low until the enemies left. He asked me about Alexander, and actually figured out that he's a GOD AWFUL SPY! Thats a first. Its funny. Sitting up there and talking with Ben, it felt kind of good. Like I was actually able to let my troubles melt away for a few minutes. I started to notice things about him, things that I really didn't want to. Like his laugh, and his big bright eyes, and his smile. I just have to get all of these thought out of my head. I cant let myself do this again. It ended terribly enough last time, with Josh. Anyway, that's enough of stupid feelings. Time to go find a mole. 

Trixie: that's one entry. 

Catherine: okay. now read one of the more recent ones. 

Trixie: got it... okay. Here's one from may... ooh! When you guys were on Operation Deadly Manatee!

Oh god. Jesus Crist what the hell have I done. First I let myself idiotically fall for another stupid boy, and then I let him DIE. THIS WILL BE THE SECOND TIME NOW THAT SOMEONE I LIKED DIED! I mean, technically we don't know he's dead, but he's not here on the ship and there's not anything around for miles except for ocean. It's not like Ben can't swim, but I don't think anyone can survive these conditions. Oh and Mikes missing as well. I just talked to Trixie, and I did the stupidest thing. I started crying. Of course I didn't tell her why, but she kept asking if it was about "that boy I keep mentioning". Dammit! I can't have lost another person! I can't do this again. I'm such an idiot... why did I let myself fall for him! And it's different than Joshua this time. I didn't even know him that well, and he turned out to be evil. That was a silly schoolgirl crush. But Ben... Ben is different. I know him well enough now to know that he is nothing like Joshua. Ben is sweet, and kind, and I really, really can't loose him. 

Catherine: MORE

Chip: you sure this is Erica? 

Jawa: sounds like a fake. 

Trixie: its Erica alright. I remember that phone call. She was really upset. I called to check in on her because I knew through Mike that she was on a mission, and when she picked up she was crying. Erica never cries, so I knew something was wrong. 

Catherine: Trixie- next entry please. 

Trixie: god mom. So demanding. But fine, here's the next entry. 

I am so relieved right now. Ben isn't dead! That slimeball Murray and his stupid henchman Dane threw Ben overboard, but thankfully Mike came to his rescue. They made it to shore and were rescued by a nice drug dealer guy- El Diablo. I was so happy when I saw him. I know, stupid of me. Stupid feelings. But I just don't know how to hide them anymore. I just can't keep my emotions buried the same way I use to. I remember turning around and seeing him and Mike, all dressed up in some butt ugly tourist garb, and that super annoying part of me suddenly just took over. I ran to him and hugged him. I knooooow. Erica- you need to get better about this. You need to... or do I... It just felt really good to hug him. I feel so lost. I just don't know what to do anymore. 

Catherine: AWWWW




Alexander: I'm lost. I am very confused here... 

Catherine: MORE TRIXIE!!!



I am officially in deep shit. I finally gave in. I finally admitted how I felt, and agreed to try something... I... I kissed him. Again. I just... Okay. So after we caught Murray and Dane and defused the nuclear bomb, I got Bjorn to give us the Emperor Suite for a while. Its not like the Shangs are using it. I was out on the deck, thinking everything over before I committed. I knew it well now, I was wrong. Friends were not always a liability, if you had the right friends. I did. And relationships. I had been basing my view on them off my parents, who were a disaster. But then again, they had so many secrets between them. Ben and I don't. Also Trixie and Mike... Ugh. Lets just not even get into that right now. But I know Ben is loyal. And he really likes me. And I think that... I think I really like him too. So I had to try. I called him out on the deck. He was hesitant because he thought I was going to yell at him more. I shouldn't have gotten so mad, we all know how persuasive Trixie can be. I told him everything. Kind of. I admitted I had been wrong, and that maybe, just maybe, a relationship was in the cards. He was so happy. SO happy. And to be honest, I kind of was too. I felt surprisingly good having gotten my feelings out another way besides this stupid book, and it made me smile to see him so excited. And then, then I kissed him. It was amazing. I mean yeah, I've kissed him before once, but we were about to die and I still wasn't really good with my feelings at the time. After that, I told him that I was ready to try dating him. And I meant it. Because of Ben I have come so far, I've learned things about myself that I really needed to know. I couldn't think of a better person to have be my first boyfriend. 

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