"Go away and don't look again"

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My dear brother
Goes back
Thrown me away
Out of that window
And the flames
The vibrant orange
Oh my brother
His skin is being taken
By the vibrant orange
Please don't leave me yet
I don't like him
I saw what he did
He will pay trust me
The vibrant orange...
I'll make him see a vibrant red
In his hands
Oh my brother
I cannot remember what happened
Oh my dear brother
I'm sorry for not helping you
Oh brother
My head hurts so much
And the cracks of the glass
The remains of this window
The same vibrant red that's running down my head
The same one he will see someday
My head hurts brother
It hurts
So much

Hello? Oh, dark houseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora