Chapter 1 "Let's start over"

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2018, January 1, 00:08

New Year, nothing foreshadowed trouble. But suddenly. Rumble, smoke, fire, blood, siren and screams of doctors. What happened? A car accident? Yes, one of the most popular singers of Russia, Dima Bilan, crashed at great speed. The reason never became known, because of whom? Because of what? But the singer does not hear any screams, no noise, he only half-dead smiles and looks at the sky. Will he hear something again?

October 28, 2016.

Evening, 23:17.

Bilan had just arrived from work, he was so exhausted for the whole time that he was ready to sleep for a week. The singer got out of the car, closed it and went with slow but confident steps to the door. Having opened the door, there was no limit to joy, his vacation began. Solomon the cat met him on the threshold. He stroked his little friend, took off his shoes and outerwear. Dima went to the kitchen to feed the cat, but he did not eat his lunch.

— Well, that's it, Solomon. Who am I putting food to? Not to yourself! — the singer grumbled kindly, but in response he heard only a meow.

Our tired artist went to the second floor. Entering the room, Bilan heard a crash. Looking out of the window, he saw that a thunderstorm had started, and as soon as he returned home. Dima sat on the window and began checking social networks. It's my turn to Instagram. Nothing new, fan comments, lots of likes and more than one message. He decided to look through the tape and suddenly, he comes across Lazarev's post. In the photo, he was sitting on the window, there was a thunderstorm. The artist himself was sad and killed. The singer decided to make a reply post as a joke, sat down in the same position and took a photo. After he posted the post, he immediately started writing to Seryozha. He was both interested and scared at the same time. But he decided and subscribed to the page.

— Hello, Seryozha. How are you? Of course, it's not smart to write to you after what happened, but I would like to restore our friendship, let's start over. Forgive me! I also noticed that you're kind of sad in the last posts, what happened? — after finishing the last line, the singer thought about sending it for another minute or not? He thought it would be a mistake, but he decided and sent it anyway. It turned out it was the right decision. After 20 minutes, he received a notification about mutual subscription. He went into the chat and saw that the interlocutor was typing.

— I didn't expect it, Dima... Well, hello, hello.. Friendship? Yes, of course. I forgive you and you forgive me! Our rivalry was stupid. — ignoring the questions "what happened?" Lazarev answered.

Although Bilan did not hear the answer to the question he wanted to get, he was still satisfied. The elder offered to meet the next day, to which he received consent. He said that he wanted to record a joint fit in honor of the world. Seryozha really liked Dima's idea, he even teased him saying: "Dima, you know how to come up with something normal!"

Bilan laughed in response, Lazarev was glad that someone understands his stupid jokes. The conversation continued for another 20 minutes, new friends asked each other about life, what was new. Seryozha even touched on the topic in a reply post, laughing at Bilan. After saying goodbye, they immediately went to bed. The younger singer decided to get enough sleep, it became 1 night for all 5 days that he did not sleep. Lazarev fell asleep even slightly happy.

October 29, 2016.

Morning, 08:39.

Both singers woke up quite early. For some time they were too lazy to get up. But Bilan decided first, even though his legs were numb. After looking at the time, his mood soured. He started swearing because he wanted to sleep, but the sun prevented him. After a moment's hesitation, he went down to the first floor, to the kitchen. When he opened the refrigerator, he realized that he had nothing and it was strange. So he went upstairs again, indignant, to get dressed and go to the store. Meanwhile, Seryozha was getting high in bed, the hot rays of the sun, which is strange for October, warmed his face and hands, which were frozen at night. After 40 minutes, he got up, first of all looking in the mirror. His hair was disheveled and his face was red and swollen. After combing his hair, he went into the bathroom to wash. There he saw his funny face again and laughed himself out of it.

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