Chapter 2 "Rapprochement."

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The days dragged on for a very long time. There was very little time left until winter. For Bilan, this time seemed like torture, he was working. Lazarev felt the same way, for a long time he struggled with depression, that meeting clearly pleased him, but happiness did not last long. Sadness again, gatherings at the window behind which it rains at night and loneliness. Bilan could only write once every three days and not respond to what Seryozha said. He did not feel well and stopped responding at all. He refused all social networks. The elder noticed this only in mid-December. His fear did not leave him, he tried to call his friend, but everything was useless.

And so, on December 16, Lazarev got in touch. After discovering more than a hundred messages, he realized that he would receive a lecture from Dima about how worried he was. But he didn't want to leave him in fear.

Early in the morning, at about six o'clock in the morning, the senior receives a call. Everything was blurry in my eyes, the sun was breaking through the windows, even the curtains didn't help. Bilan thought it was an alarm clock, but when he picked up the phone, he was upset, because the time was 5:47, and this is his only day off. But I didn't grieve for long until I noticed the inscription "Favorite singer, reply". Without hesitation, he answered the call. Lazarev's sad and quiet voice came from the phone.

- Hi, Dima. Didn't you miss me? It's been so long since I've been here. Junior muttered the first line of the conversation with a feeling of guilt.

- Seryozha, my God. Of course I missed you. Where have you been? You should know how worried I was, my boy! - covering his face with one hand, Dima answered the question, - Why are you calling so early? Why aren't you sleeping so early? Back to the old, sitting in front of the window until dawn?

- I was just thinking about life, how everything happens, giving concepts to words, etc. So it dragged on until morning, but I can sit until dawn, sometimes. I'm sorry I woke you up.

Seryozha smiled when he heard Bilan's voice and excitement, the words flashed through his thoughts - "at least someone needs me, at least someone is worried and thinking about me." But he was more confused by how the interlocutor called him - " boy!.." But still, it seemed nice and pleasant to him. Their conversation dragged on, which is not surprising, the younger one disappeared for almost a month and abruptly appeared from nowhere.

An hour passed, two. No one felt tired and sad anymore. After 20 minutes of conversation, they were already laughing. And we decided to make a video call.

- Well, of course you give, White. Hahahah, maybe by video call? Lazarev laughed.

- I agree, but don't be scared at the sight of me, otherwise I look like a scarecrow in the morning, huh

And now, the call. At first, they looked at each other in silence for a minute, starting to smile slowly. At the end of 60 seconds, they started laughing. Dima was still ashamed of his hairstyle, but did not attach any importance to it. They both went out on the balconies and admired the sunrise. Seryozha counted cars, in the same way as always, only he always counts crows. Abruptly, without saying anything, the elder went to the kitchen, the interlocutor did not notice this. Bilan put the phone so that it could be seen, and then took the knife.

- This is the program "Cooking with Bilanidze". Today we will prepare salad and scrambled eggs for breakfast. You don't know how to do that! - he joked about Seryozha so that he would pay attention

Lazarev paid attention and after a moment laughed sharply.

- BILAN! What is this?! Hahahaha! - the younger one laughed, turning away, - You look so funny, in your underpants, tousled hair and a knife in your hands, and also with a face like an evil gnome!

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