why is love so fucking difficult

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a/n: some angst, not really but kinda sad chapter, also this chapter switches a lot of povs soo


older adams pov:

                              i could hear the birds singing as we all sat at the picnic table, i looked at y/n noticing the small features on their face, like how their bright eyes shimmer when the sun shines on them.  i looked at them and by the look on their face i could tell they were about to say something.

    "you know what you have to do right?" they asked me. god why'd this have to happen, "noooo" i said extending the 'o'. "no, i came back for you" i reminded them, they nod their head "i know" the person infront of me says. "but we cant have a life here, not like this. now you have to go back to 2018, and you have to put things right." they say as they play with my hands.

"you have to put an end to all this" they continue. "what do you mean 'put an end to it'?" younger me says, catching me off guard as i forgot he was here. "they mean, stop time travel" younger y/n answers for their older self. "from ever being invented and save the future" y/n completes for their younger self, "fine, come with me, and we'll-".

"your jet is meshed with your DNA it wont fly with anyone else" they cut me off, 

"Okay" i replied "wait! does that me i'll also have to stay back with you?" younger y/n asked their older self. 


younger y/ns pov:

i looked at adam next to me and back at my older self, they gave me a sorrowful look, i feel my stomach turn, i could cry at the spot right now, i looked back at adam and find that he's already looking at me with glossy eyes, "no no no no," i whisper to myself as i hug him letting it all out as i sob into his shoulder.

"i wish we had more time" i told him. "me too" he finally lets out i could hear his voice break.

why us?, i thought to myself. "i need to tell you something before i go" he told me, both of us had left the table to go some where while the older us talked.

i tried to make the tears in my eyes stop, keyword: tried. tears flooded my face while i was walking hand in hand with adam, we stopped at the house/cabin. 

"so what did you have to say?" i asked trying to keep my voice stable.


younger adams pov:

                how do i say it to them, god why is love so fucking difficult to confess. "So uhm," i said taking a deep breath at the end "ireallyreallylikeyou" i blurted out so fast, they looked at me with a confused looked "what?"

"I like you, uhm like, i like like you" i told them, "i get it if you dont like me or just dont feel the same way but i-" i get cut of when y/n's lips met mine, holy shit! I was surprised, but kissed back, of course.

They pulled away and looked at me while smiling, i thought that for sure my face was red, "tomato face" they said to me laughing and pointing out my face. "Hey!" I replied laughing with them.

"so uhm do you like me back?" I asked y/n, they just stared at me with a serious look on their face, i felt my stomach drop, do they not like me back?  "You should see your face" They said laughing "of course i like you, i literally kissed you" they told me, i felt a smile come up my face "dont do that, you scared the shit out of me" i told them laughing.

"sure, okay, fine," they told me.

"Hey kids, come here" future y/n said. "You and adam gotta go" they tell me. i grabbed y/n hands and started walking to where our future selves were.

Before i entered the van, i looked at them and leaned in and kissed them. "Come on you have to go," y/n said as they pull away from the kiss. "Pinky promise that we'll meet again and get married and finish this?" Y/n tells me as her voice breaks holding out their pinky finger, i looked at them and saw their eyes were glossy, tears started to pour out their eyes.

I tried holding back tears but i bursted out crying, i raise my pinky and wrap my pinky with theirs, i get a sense of deja vu from the first day we met, i pulled them into a hug as they cried on my shoulder. 


a/n: slay 🫦 sorry not sorry besties, anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this chapter i wrote this at school and finished it are school so thats so cool 😎. Anyways as all ways, have a good day/night/afternoon, dont forget to eat, sleep, and drink water.

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