pinky promise.

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A/n: Epilogue babyyyy lolol

~time skip after adam stops time travel in like a year~

Younger y/n's pov:

                          I hear my stupid alarm wake me up from my peaceful sleep, I groan as i sit up on my bed reaching my hand turning the alarm clock off. Last day of 7th Grade, yay! I thought to myself sarcastically i got to my wardrobe picking out my outfit, then going to the bathroom taking a shower and brushing my teeth.

After i finished brushing my teeth i went to wear my outfit. After that, i went down and saw my mom making breakfast "good morning" she says. "Good morning" i reply, "so last day of 7th grade. You must be excited!" She tells me. "Yeah veeeeryyy excited" i told her with sarcasm,.

she chuckled at me, "hey at least you get to have summer break" she points out. "Yeah i guess" i say as i thought about it. We ate breakfast in silence then i get a notification, i look at my phone to check it, its from Adam.


Adam <3

Adam <3

helloo, im outsideeee 

Y/n <3

Alrightyyyy, i'll be out in a sec <3

Adam <3

Okay <3


"Okay mom i have to go adam's outside." I told her running to the other side of the table kissing her cheek before leaving, before i closed the front door i heard her say "Alright have fun on your last day". "Okay!" I yell as im outside of the house. Seeing adams mom's car i enter the vehicle, "Good morning, Ms. Reed." I tell her with a smile as i sit next to adam in the back seat. "Good morning y/n." She tells me with a smile.

I turn to adam and embrace him with a hug. "Well, hello there i guess." He says with a laugh, "i want to go back to sleeeeeep" i whine. "Me too y/n, me too." He says playing with my hair. I let go from the hug and just stare at him, trying not to blink. he just looks at me confused as i try not to laugh. "HAH you blinked," i told him as he finally blinks. I see him jump from the sudden raise in voice. 

"oh my god, im sorry i didnt mean to scare you" i say as i laugh. Soon after he joins me laughing our asses off. "Okay guys we're here." Adams mom informs us, i groan not wanting to go. "Hey at least we wont have to come back to this shit hole for like 2 months" Adam says whispering the 'shit hole' part. "Heh thats true i guess." I tell him.

I open the car door, as i got out i felt the warm wing hit my face. "Alright, have fun!" I hear Ms. reed say to us, "okay, mom," adam replies as he gets out of the car. "Okay," i let out, looking at adam, reaching my hand out. "Lets finish this" he says grabbing my hand interlocking them.

i heard the car behind us leave, as adam and i enter the building. we walk to our class, which was english, i sat down on my seat next to adam, and heard ray blabber on about something, i didnt really pay much attention because i honestly didnt care.

i lay my head on adams shoulder waiting for the class to begin. "y/n you better not sleep and drool all over me" he tells me sarcastically. i roll my eyes with a smile on my face, "shut up" i respond moving my head from his shoulder, seeing Mr. Anderson enter the class (perks of being a wallflower reference).


i enter the cafeteria and scan the room for adam, i finally saw him sitting on a table, i also see ray and chuck bothering him. fucking assholes. i walk over to them and put my lunch tray on the table "well well well, look who finally showed up." ray exclaims.

"jesus, do we ever get a break from you and your stupidity for once" i tell him, "shut up piss face!" he yells at me "oh my god, ew, the only thing that's piss, is your breath, gosh do you ever brush your teeth?" i tell him pinching my nose with a disgusted expression.

he was about to swing at me but then i see adam behind him kicking him in the balls. "payback bitch!" he yells, i high five him, looking at ray, who was on the floor writhing in pain. "if you even try to bully us next year i'll make sure you never bully us again" i spat at him.

we continued the rest of the day, surprisingly we didnt get called into the principals office, at the end of the day i got into the car with adam sitting next to him. "so how was the last day?" Ms. Reed asks. "it was really boring, although we did kick some butts" adam says not wanting to "swear".  

"thats great, i guess?" she says unsure what to think. we reach my house and i leave the car adam walking me to my door, "pinky promise we'll hang out this summer?" he says reaching out his pinky, "pinky promise" i say doing the same with my pinky interlocking them. 

we both lean in and our lips meet, "alright, i gotta go my mom is probably waiting for me." i tell him pulling away from the kiss.

"alright, but wait." he tells me as he cups my cheeks and pecks my lips. my face flushes red, "okay, uhm, i uhm i have to go inside." i say forgetting how to speak for a second. i rush to open my door as soon as i get in i slide down my door with a smile on my face.



ty all again and this is the end of...

pinky promise.

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