Eighteen - Sea, Swallow Me

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"Lee, let's go!" Mei shouted. "The party started like an hour ago!"

"I can't find the glasses!" He groaned.

"Just wear your own," Mei said. I was struggling to zip up my own suit as she was carefully fixing her own hair. She had completely crimped it in efforts to make herself look like Hermione Granger.

"It looks fine," I assured.

"I don't want people to think I'm Cho Chang," she said.

"You're not even wearing a Ravenclaw robe."

"Whatever," she said, turning around to fix the creases on my costume. "You know how ignorant people are.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"This is a really good Spider-Man costume. It fits really well," she said. "Joining the swim team was one of the best things you did for yourself."

I scrunched my face in disgust. "Ew, don't sexualize me," I teased.

"Gross! Apollo, stop it!" She laughed, slapping my shoulder. "I just think you look nice!"

"Thank you," I chirped. At that moment, Lee came running down the stairs, wand in hand. Mei wanted us to go as the Golden Trio when April decided to back out, but I had already bought my costume before we could coordinate. I had planned to go as Spider-Man and April as Mary Jane, but now I was left as just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

"I think I should get circle shaped glasses," Lee said, inspecting his regular ones.

"It looks nice," I said.

Lee turned his attention to me and nodded. "You look sick! Give me a pose," Lee said. I crouched down and placed the mask over my head as I did several poses. "How did you get your ass to look like that?" Lee asked.

"Look like what?" I asked, standing up.

"Are there buttpads in the costume?" Lee asked, grabbing my shoulder to inspect my backside.

I slapped his hands away and said, "No! It doesn't come with padding! What's up with you and Mei checking me out today?"

Lee turned to Mei and scrunched his nose in disgust. "Ew, Mei, you were checking him out?" He asked.

"I'm going to vomit right now," she threatened.

Lee smirked and tousled her hair, "I'm kidding."

Mei glared at him and said, "Too bad April couldn't make it. She left me to babysit alone."

"Yeah, what happened?" Lee asked, fixing his tie.

"She said her parents had planned something important, she couldn't miss it, but that was earlier in the day. I don't know why she couldn't come out later." Mei said, fixing the tie for him.

"We're not spending more than an hour there, "Lee said.

"But Blake said there was going to be a cake shaped like a pumpkin..." she trailed off.

"Okay, I guess we can stay a bit longer," he sighed.


"Blake's house is kinda big. Does he have a big family?" I asked, stepping over the cracks on the sidewalk.

"This isn't Blake's house," Mei said.

"But I though it was his Halloween party?" I asked.

Blake spotted us from the front door and shouted, "Hey, you guys made it!" He was waving his arm back and forth as he held his red Solo cup in one hand. Mei waved and grabbed our hands, dragging us towards him. Blake was shirtless and wearing blue and white athletic shorts. I would assume he was dressed as a boxer, but I wasn't sure.

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