chapter 30

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*Naruto and the rest made it to the gates of Konoha, Naruto looked around and frowned seeing the gatekeepers kotetsu and izumo sleeping on the job as always*

Naruto:does anyone take there jobs seriously anymore in Konoha?

*Naruto said to himself the rest looked where Naruto was looking and saw them Kakashi and asuma Grew nervous as there daimyo did not look pleased at all, Naruto wanting to give them a lesson touched his seal on his arm and a special kunai appeared Kakashi seeing this tried to stop him but Ren stopped him*

Kakashi:my lord

Ren:i want to see this consider it there punishment for sleeping on the job

*Kakashi sighed but stepped back Naruto hearing he had the daimyō:s blessing he threw the kunai landing between the two Naruto grabbed the daimyo and his family before doing hand signs*

Naruto:wind style:zephyr shield

*An invisible shield barrier appeared around them before the rest could hide it was too late the paper bomb exploded only instead of a fire explosion everyone who wasn't protected got covered from head to toe in neon yellow paint waking the sleeping duo woke up in a jump with kunai's in hand*

Izumo:who's there show yourself!!

*Kotetsu looking up and he felt his heart drop to his stomach*


*Kotetsu said in fear Izumo looked and paled seeing there new daimyo he did not look pleased*

Ren:gentlemen you are both the gatekeepers if Konoha you are there first line of defense how can you defend it if you're sleeping on the job?

*Ren was smiling but for the two sleepy Ninja's it was like looking at the face of a hannya demon or as kotetsu would call it izumo's wife both Ninja's grovel under Ren's feet*

Both:please daimyo we beg for forgiveness*

*Ren was not in a forgiving kind of mood until he heard something he glanced at the noise and saw his daughter and Naruto where laughing his daughter was talking to her cousin about how funny that prank was it soften his heart seeing the next generation of Uzumaki getting along with each other he at the trembling Shinobi at his feet*

Ren: I'll let you go both with a warning but if I ever caught one of you sleeping again...

Izumo:it won't you have our word

Kotetsu:thank you so much my lord you're kindness is without equal

*The daimyo ignored them as he kept walking the rest from after him*

Kakashi:alright everyone get cleaned up while i go with the daimyo to give the report to the Hokage...


*The shinobi's looked at there daimyo*

Ren:i wish for Naruto to keep me company as my wife and daughter checks into a hotel we plan to stay here for a few days

Kakashi:but my lord i must insist..

*No one saw it coming it was a blink and you'll miss it moment,in a instant Naruto disappeared and reapered in front of Kakashi his fist directly on Kakashi's gut

*No one saw it coming it was a blink and you'll miss it moment,in a instant Naruto disappeared and reapered in front of Kakashi his fist directly on Kakashi's gut

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*Kakashi caught off guard and taking the winds out of his lungs*

Sakura:Naruto what the...!!

*Sakura froze when Naruto glared at her*

Naruto:if I want the opinion of a crying banshee i promise you'll be the first i go to but got now shut you're mouth

*Naruto's tone and gaze were filled with poison as he glanced at Kakashi*

Naruto:and you the daimyo's word is law you do not question him if he said jump you ask how high now leave and get cleaned up before i beat you a second time because I swear the more I'm close to you the more my anger grows

*Naruto looked at the daimyo and his family and bowed*

Naruto:i would be honored to escort you and you're family around Konoha please let us get you're family to a hotel then the both of us can go to the Hokage together

Ren:that is acceptable please lead the way

*Naruto nods and they left with the now neon yellow Shinobi who were looking dumbfounded by what happened*

Choji:Kami Naruto has changed a lot

Ino:not completely while I'm furious he used that paint bomb on us ruining this outfit you have to admit that was completely old Naruto he's still in there

Shikamaru:what a pain yes he's in there but he didn't come out because of us

*The mood just got a bit gloomy for our shinobis*

With the Uzumaki family

Akira:so Naruto if you don't mind me asking are you currently seeing someone?

Naruto:yes..her name is Shizune Kato she's...the person I love with my all my heart

Akira:what do you love about her?

*Naruto looked at her questionly but shurgged*

Naruto:i...i love her smile i love how she helped me when no one would i love how she's always been there for me since I've started this journey one year ago i love her laugh the way her nose crunches up when she laughs the way she looks at not like a demon like the villagers all around us

*Hajita looked around and sure enough the villagers where looking at Naruto with hateful scorned in there eyes*

Naruto:she doesn't look at me like I'm just a fellow Shinobi she... she looks at me and i mean really looks at me she makes me feel like her equal..

Akira:how lovely you seemed absolutely smitten with this person imagine to fall in love with the person who's always been there for you

Naruto: actually she's only been there for me for about a year

Akira:oh..well childhood friends?

Naruto:ha no I'm 16 and she's 29

*Akira froze luckily it was in front of the hotel Ren just coughed*

Ren:alrighty then hajita please check you and you're mother in while she processes this Naruto please follow me to the Hokage tower she and me have some... business to attend to..

Naruto;that's fine my lord i have to report the mission anyway and have a clans meeting right after

Ren:oh a clans meeting? Whatever for?

Naruto:the Shinobi clans of Konoha have possessions of my clan and i WILL get them back even if they don't want to

Ren: really? Well this should be very interesting to watch

*Naruto and Ren walked away Ren with a amused smile Naruto glanced at him confused but ignored it*

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