Chapter 2: It's You!?

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The yacht is moving into place as the girls are on the front on the lounge furniture sun bathing and having a good time taking pictures and posting them to their Social Media accounts driving the fans crazy.

Mandy was leaning back with the sun beaming down on her as the others were talking nearby, Mandy opened her eyes though behind her sunglasses when she heard a new voice come from up top where Anton is.

???: It's all clear down there, she's purring like a happy kitten.

Mandy smiled to the analogy not hearing it all too often, she thought the voice sounded familiar though making her hope more and more that it was him but she needed to be sure.

Anton: You gonna stick around this time?

Anton asked as they continued their conversation, Gionna told her a little bit more about this Logan and from what she can remember about him these two are nothing a like but maybe it is him and after he couldn't find her he changed.

???: I don't think so mate, I'm sure you can handle a few beginners right?

Anton didn't answer so Mandy assumes he nodded as she then heard foot steps making their way towards the steps, Mandy quickly got up wanting to catch a glimpse of this guy to see if it's her Logan or not.

Mandy made her way from the front to the back of the boat with the others wondering what she's doing and followed her, Mandy got to the back and saw his back turned to her, she instantly recognised his tattoo, It was something she couldn't forget and and she's pretty sure she can see the scratch marks she gave him leaving scars behind.

Mandy: Logan?

Logan turned his head slightly to his left recognise her voice and turned around fully to see her, she looked different from the last time they saw each other mainly her hair but she still looked as beautiful as ever, she might even look better with her natural Brunette hair.

Logan: Mandy?

He asked as she studied him, he was in better shape and his tattoo's are finished, when she last saw him he was getting sleeves tattooed on him, his left arm wasn't even started back then and his right arm was half done but now it's complete, even with the body ink he looks even better, his hair's been trimmed nicely and the stubble on his face is just purely sexy, that's something he has over Anton, Anton's cute but Logan's handsome and looks like the guy you don't want to start a fight with in a bar.

Logan: I've been trying to find you for...

Logan said stepping towards her but for some reason she felt the need to slap him and she did cutting him off making his face turn to the left...

 The girls watched from behind her as even Anton was watching from the top deck looking down to them, Logan left his face looking in the direction she slapped him as he took the hit, Mandy's not sure why she did it but it felt like the right thing...

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... The girls watched from behind her as even Anton was watching from the top deck looking down to them, Logan left his face looking in the direction she slapped him as he took the hit, Mandy's not sure why she did it but it felt like the right thing to do.

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