// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕥𝕖𝕟 //

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hiraeth - part ten


       "Gohan? What are you doing here?" A familiar voice questioned as the door opened, revealing Videl's father, Mr. Satan. Gohan turned his attention to the man, chuckling nervously. He had been hoping all day that Mr. Satan wouldn't mind Gohan being here.

"Hi, sir. I came by to see Videl." Gohan said. Mr. Satan shrugged his shoulders, almost letting it slide, until he spotted Videl giving Gohan starry eyed lovey looks. He glared at the two, puffing out his chest as he stomped up to the two teenagers who had been sitting at the end of one of the beds.

"And just what is going on between you two!?" Mr. Satan huffed, grabbing Videl's wrist and yanking her away from Gohan. Videl could only grumble in annoyance at her father's overprotective nature.

"Dad, nothing was happening. Gohan and I had gone out to eat, we just got back a couple minutes ago." Videl said, purposely avoiding the word "date" so as not to set off her father.

"I don't like it. Why did you just randomly show up, we're hundreds of miles away from Satan City!" Mr. Satan exclaimed, before gasping and glaring at the boy even harder. "Gohan! Did you skip out on school!?"

Gohan could only chuckle nervously, standing up and backing away from the tall man. Mr. Satan crossed his arms, taking a step towards Gohan for every step Gohan took back. "The end of the year is coming up, you have your final tests to take before summer break! Videl isn't skipping out, she took her schoolwork with her, so don't think you can skip out either!"

"I-I'm sorry, sir—" Gohan tried to stutter out, but was interrupted by another earful from Videl's father.

"No excuses! You had better start heading back right now, or I'm going to call your parents!" Mr. Satan whipped out his phone, giving Gohan a smirk as he gestured towards it. Gohan tensed up, he couldn't even imagine how worried and furious Chi-Chi must be. But maybe not that much since she hadn't sent his dad to hunt him like a bloodhound yet. Chi-Chi was unpredictable in Gohan's eyes.

Videl watched as Gohan froze, unable to do anything. She had bet that Gohan ran away just to come see Videl, which made her heart flutter a bit at the thought. But she tried to think of some excuse to get Gohan out of the situation. She remembered how Mr. Satan had mentioned the end of the school year, and while she'd rather not head back, she would much rather be able to be with Gohan than her helicopter dad.

"Dad, I'll go back with Gohan, we need to focus on our exams, you're right. Ours start tomorrow, so we should get going. Come on, Gohan." Videl grabbed Gohan's wrist, pulling him away. Mr. Satan tried to stutter out a response, but he wasn't sure what to say. He was surprised at Videl's drive to study and get her exams done, and it wasn't until they were already gone that he realized it was just a trick.

Videl giggled as she looked up at Gohan, who was still pale at the thought of his mom seeing him. He wasn't sure how he'd return home after this. He didn't really think this far when he ran away that night.

"Why did you run away? Just to see me?" Videl asked. Swallowing his fears of his mother, Gohan tried to focus on the conversation.

"That was part of it. I also needed your advice on my feelings." Gohan said. Videl paused, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow.

𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕥𝕙 // 𝕘𝕠𝕜𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕩 𝕘𝕠𝕙𝕒𝕟Where stories live. Discover now