Chapter 6: The break-up

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Max: You what?!

El looked like she was about to cry.

El: I don't like Mike anymore! And I don't know how to tell him. He's been really clingy with me recently and now everything is going down-hill
and now I think he feels like I'm pulling away!

Max just stared in shock. Why did she want to break up with Mike? They were literal love birds.

Max: Oh. Well if you want to break up with him, just do it. It's not like he deserves you.

El looked up at Max, frowning slightly.

El: What's wrong with Mike?

Max: I didn't say there was anything wrong with him; I was just saying that- well, maybe there is someone out there better suited for you than Mike.

El stared deeply into Max's eyes.

El: Like who?

Max: UM. I don't know! Just someone maybe.

El: How am I going to tell him?

El fell back onto the bed, then tilted her head to look at Max. Max had a reassuring smile on her face.

Max: Look, we can go to his house and do it , we don't have to go to Starcourt right now, so just tell him how you feel.

El: Okay. Thanks.

El looked scared, but covered it up with a grin whenever Max looked at her.

Max: Ready?

El: Yeah.

They rode to the Wheelers house on Max's bike. Max knocked on the door, and a curly haired brunette girl opened it.

Max: Hi Nancy!

Nancy: Oh hey! What are you two doing here?

El: We came to see Mike. Please.

Nancy: Sure thing!

She stepped aside and the two girls entered, rubbing their feet on the mat and then taking their shoes off.

Nancy: He's in the basement with Will.

Nancy went upstairs into her room while Max and El went into the basement.

Will: Hey guys! What are you doing here?

Mike looked at Will. Will was smiling so widely it made a little grin appear on Mike's face.

El: Mike can I talk to you?

Mike: Er, sure.

Mike and El went upstairs into his room while Max and Will talked about how they hadn't seen eachother in so long.

El: Mike, I would like to break up. Please.

Mike seemed shocked at first, but then he shrugged his shoulders.

Mike: Okay.

El stared in disbelief. Mike smiled at her.

Mike: Thank you for telling me now and not keeping it in. I know how it feels to be in a relationship you don't want to be in.

El smiled widely. She hugged Mike, glad that they could still be friends. Mike went downstairs and sat next to Will. Max got up from the seat and walked over to El?

Max: So? What happened?

El: He was really good actually. He just said thank you for telling me now, and than I hugged him and..well..yeah!

Max: I'm glad your still friends.

El: Me too.

El held Max's hand and sqeezed them tightly.

El: Can we go to Starcourt now.

Max: Yes!

Max and El said bye to everyone and left the house swiftly. They got on Max's bike and rode to Starcourt.

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