// stalker //

46 0 12


~youre pov~

I have been feeling like i am looked at for almost two months right now.

Not that i care or anything, like if it wanted to do someting terrible to me it wouldv'e already done it, so i dont worry about it.

I really dont care if people see my fucked up sleep scedual practicly writhen under my eyeballs.

Its just that i already know who is watching me.

Its the guy from the candyshop from two months ago.

He just has verry uniek looks you know? Like the big sacks under his eyeballs, the fluffy black mop on his head and the clothes that he always wears.

And, ofcourse, not to mention the uniek way of him sitting.

I have seen him sit before, because he was again spying on me when i entered a cafe to buy some strawberry shortcake. My favourite.

He also had an strawberry shortcake and i could feel his wide grey eyes piercing trough my soul as i was paying for my cake.

When i said thank you to the chassier for my cake, i turned around to an emthy table.

The man that has been stalking me was gone and nowhere to be seen in the shop.

I whas kind of confused but as usual, i didnt really care so i just hold the bag where the cake was in and i walked out of the store.

I walked home but then i felt someone staring at me again.

I became more consions about my surroundings but i still just walked normally and nothing really changed about the expressions on my face.

Then i heard someone speak behind me out of nowhere.

"I know that you know that i look at you for about two months now."

And obviously it whas the raven black haired man.

"Do you mean 'stalked me'? And yeah i know that you did. Why tho? My life is littirally equal to a rock, so i am not that entertaining or something like that."

I said to him with a hint of sassines in my voice.

"I wasn't stalking you, i was observing you. And i am not observing you because of youre life style, i am observing you because i need you to come with me."

He awnsered me, also with a hint of sassines in his voice. As if he tried to coppy me, even though i made sure that you couldn't hear any bitchy tone.

"Fine, where to?"

You asked straight up.

"What? Why are you willing to just go with me? What if i am a kidnapper?"

"Well, first of al. You cant be a kidnapper because you asked me to come with you and you are forming a conversaition with me. A kidnapper would have already took me without any saying. Plus a kidnapper wouldn't wait two hwole months to kidnap some ordinairy girl."

You awnsered.

He tried to hide it, but the man accually seemed quite impressed by youre statement.

"Oh, well this just turned a lot more interesting than i inticipadet at first. Anyway, just follow me"

You didnt day anything to that and you just blindly started to follow the man.

Because what did you have to lose?

~time skip~

"Here we are."

The man suddenly said.

You where zonning out in youre own thoughts at that time because it was quite a walk to where the man wanted you to come, so you bumped into his back.

It was littirally as if you bumped into an enormous cube of sugar.

His back was really hard and he smelled like he had been living on sugar for the past ten years.


You simply said to quikley brush it of.

Accually you wanted to be that close to him again, just to smel him. But ofcourse that maby would be a bit weird

"Its okey, now come in."

Just then i noticed that we where standing infront of a huge building.

"Why are we here exactly?"

You asked when you got into the building with him.

"Because you are suspect of being kira."

He awnsered you.

**Whait... kira? Now who the hell is that and why does he think i am them?**  you thought.

"Who is kira?"

You asked fully confused.

"You dont know?"

The man asked as if you where some dumb sheep standing in front of him.

"No i clearly dont, so if you want to tell me now please?"

"Well, kira is a person that kills people that have done bad in there eyes. Nobody knows who they are or what they look like. But because you live this isolated you could be them because you are full of secrets."

He stated.

You just stayed silent and after a while you walked into a room with a few people working there.

☆☆☆☆☆end of part 3☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

I am sorry that this is not one of the longest chapters i have ever writhen, but like atleast i tried.

This is just a little update that i decided to randomly finish at 01.26 am but yeah.

Hope you enjoyed♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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