Day 2

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Ivy glare down at his cereal, avoiding eye contact with his roommates. "Talk to us Ivy!" Bloody said, flipping her ponytail a bit. TimeBomb frowned at Ivy, taking out her college homework.

"It's nothing Bloody... Really..." Ivy said, pulling his hoodie over his snow white hair. TimeBomb scoffed, flicking her ear angrily. "Do I need to call Foxy in here Ivy? Or will you just tell us?" She snapped, sitting down at the table with her work.

Ivy scowled at TimeBomb, giving up. "There's a girl...." Ivy said, interrupted by a squeal from Foxy, LivelyLiv, and Pikabb. Ivy moaned in defeat and put his head down on the table.

All of the girls were going nuts. Talking about how Ivy finally got a girl. "I'm out suprised it took him this long.." Pikabb teased, receiving a glare from Ivy.

"This is why I wanted to not be the only guy..." He mumbled, not heard amidst the chaos. He finnaly got up, heading towards the never ending hallway.

Pikabb and Foxy giggled, spotting a bit of lined paper in his pocket. Foxy snatched it out of his pocket and yelled, "What's this?" Making Ivy turn.

Ivy pouted, "why do you always bully me? Of all people..." He sighed, making a fake puppy dog face.

Foxy ignored him and began to read it to everyone else,
"Dear Ivy,
I've been watching you closely during our science classes,
And you seem lonely...
Call me maybe? 😘
(Note: this is not how I actually met her, or became her boyfriend, this is just a way to add her in)
P.S I'm horrible at making love notes X3)
Foxy fell silent, reading the number on the paper. "You should call her Ivy!"they all screamed at once, making IvyFall jump.

"I-I don't know... I don't really know her that much and-" before he could finish all the girls except for Foxy, pushed Ivy towards the phone at once.
(Don't think I ship Captin Ivy or anything, but I'm just giving people different things to ship XP [Foxy's gonna kill me])

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