Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

I woke up feeling refreshed and relatively happy. I wish that was how my entire day had gone, but of course, that would have been too easy. I sat up, remembering that today was the day I had to make my decision about whether to go with Emily to New York or not. I thought back to the choice I had made last night, and took a deep breath as I got ready to go downstairs and break the news.

I got dressed and went downstairs. Before I could get all the way down the stairs, I could hear my sister and father fighting.

"Why the hell do you care?!"

"Because he's my brother, and unlike you, I actually care about him!"

"Well then, take him, I don't care!"

"It's up to him, I'm not forcing him to go anywhere."

"Hi." I said walking into the room. My dad and sister stared at me as I went to the cupboard to go get some cereal.

"Good morning..." I said, trying to get some words out of them.

"Morning." My sister finally said, recovering. My dad just grunted and went into the living room.

"So...have you made a decision yet?" My sister asked me.

I got out the Cinnamon Toast Crunch and poured it into a bowl.

"Yep." I sighed.

I went to the fridge, got out the milk and poured it into the cereal.

"Well, what is it?" Emily asked.

"I decided that-" But before I could finish, the sound of glass smashing rang out from the living room.

"What the-" I heard my father say before a single shot rang out and he was cut off.

Footsteps stormed towards the kitchen and I pulled my sister down behind the counter. We crouched, waiting.

"Jack and Emily Mackenzie, please stand up with your hands up." A voice said.

"Who are you?" I asked, trying to sound fearless and failing miserably.

"The CIA. Come with us for your safety." The voice responded.

I stood up, my arms pointed toward the sky, with my sister following close behind.

In front of us stood five men wearing all black with bulletproof vests, and holding very big automatic guns.

The one standing closest to us, who I assumed was the one who had spoken to me, made a hand signal and two people came over and forcefully pushed me forward while tying my sisters' hands with what looked like zip-ties. They then proceeded to do the same to me before pushing us out through our front door, where we saw a black van waiting for us.

"You aren't the CIA are you?" I asked.

One of them chuckled and replied "No kid, we aren't the CIA."

"Then who are you?" Emily questioned.

"That's for you to find out later." He said, grinning creepily at her. "Now come on, you're holding us up." He said, nudging me forward.

"Wait...what happened to my dad?" I asked.

"Oh, we took care of him." Another guy said, turning around. Him and the one who had smiled at my sister looked at each other and laughed.

"No..." I mumbled, realizing what they had meant. I flipped out, kicking at the guy behind me and screaming.

But before anyone could react, it happened again. Just like at school, everything went in slow motion, and I could still move really fast.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2015 ⏰

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