Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I shot up, drenched in sweat. I looked around and saw the familiar surroundings of my bedroom, and my heart beat slowly went back to normal. Breathing out a huge breath, I sat for a minute, collecting myself.

I slowly stood up and started getting ready for school. I had no idea why I had woken up like that, like I had a nightmare. I got dressed and made my way to the bathroom to take a shower.

The house was utterly silent, my dad at work, leaving the house completely empty except for me.

Dad was just a zombie after he came home from work. I had the house to myself most of the time, but something just felt a little different today, and I couldn't put my finger on it.

I got out of the shower, brushed my teeth, made sure my hair at least wasn't sticking up, and then went downstairs to eat some breakfast.

Being home alone just about all the time sucks, and you get lonely a lot. My sister eventually couldn't take it and moved out into a friend's house as soon as she turned eighteen, and my dad didn't care. As long as it didn't create any extra work for him. My mom had died after giving birth to me, my sister Emily only six at the time, and it plunged my dad into depression.

She told me on the rare occasions she was actually home that dad wasn't always so distant and cold. He used to be like a regular father, and he would do fatherly things with her. But after my mom died, my dad died inside. He was just a shell, only there to make sure I actually made it out of the house. I don't know what he would do after that.

I ate some Cheerios and an apple and gulped down some orange juice. Looking at the clock, I realized there was still fifteen minutes before the bus came. Taking out my laptop, I sat down and opened it up.  I checked the news and last night's football scores and then screwed around on Youtube until I heard the hiss of the bus's brakes.

I shouldered my backpack and put my laptop in my backpack and headed out the door. Time to go to school.

School was boring for me. I got all straight A's without even having to try or study for tests, and I had never gotten lower than a B on a report card. Though I don't think I could get dad to look at it even if I got a D.

I didn't have any close friends, only some people I would talk to and joke around with in school, but no one I would actually go over to their house kind of friend. I was the kid no one would notice if he wasn't there, I blended in with the background.

I made it through school, barely even paying attention because I knew I would still get an A on all the tests. As I was getting my things from my locker at the end of the day, I dropped my algebra binder and everything fell out.

I swore under my breath and bent down to pick it up. In doing so, I made myself late for my bus. My bus was always first, and unlike all the other buses, it didn't wait for late people.

I ran out the doors, only to find my bus pulling away. I sprinted after it, waving my arms wildly, trying to stop the driver. I lost the bus after about fifteen seconds, and when I stopped to catch my breath, I realized I was in the middle of the road and a truck was heading right for me.

I closed my eyes and waited for the impact but nothing happened. I peeked out and saw the truck had stopped. I looked around and saw that everyone else had stopped too. Stopped moving completely. Frozen in midair, stopped in the middle of walking, everything stopped, as if someone just hit a pause button.

Even a basketball had frozen in midair. I felt a sensation growing in my stomach, and I ran out of the way of the truck, the sensation growing fast. It was not comfortable, and it felt like someone was ripping my intestines to shreds. I screamed, the pain overtaking me, still in the road, just not in the way of the truck.

I fell to my knees and threw up all over the road as I saw out of the corner of my eye everything resume. People just started walking again as if nothing happened. They looked over at me and I heard someone yell at me to get out of the road. I stood up and looked around, shocked. What the hell just happened?


Thanks for reading the chapter one of my new story, hope you like it! Please vote and comment and stuff, and chapter two will be up soon!

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