part 1/2

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Day 1
Hi everyone my names gloria my dad gave me this journal before he became a professer i kinda miss him me and my mom are in the process of moving away from kalos for a study trip...(my moms a professer with my dad also).

Day 2
We were able to move in preety fast because my moms pokemon are preety strong and i am too😤(i needed help moving the smallest box).

Day 3
While i was playing outside with my moms delphox i met a boy named hop hes preety cool but hes a month older than me and he always brags about it and he has a pokemon(no fair).

Day 4
It turns out hops brother is the galar champion im not really that suprised because my uncles a champion back in kalos but i wanna become champion so hop will look up to me too😁.

Day 5
Hop said that leon would be coming back to town tommorow he sounds like fun and he has a ginourmos charizard it looks so cool🤩.

Day 6
Leon arrived in town today and while i played with his charizard(with delphoxs supervision) leon asked if i wanted a pokemon of my own and i got a bit to excited and stepped on charizards tail im sorry.

Day 7
i woke up early and asked leon about his question yesterday and he got me and hop infront of there house and he let us pick our starters i chose a sobble i named finn hes a little...quiet and nervous but ill help him get out of that shell also hop chose a scorbunny😑(idiot fire types are weak to water).me and hop decided to test out our pokemons strenght fin learnd water gun and ended the fight quickly.

Day 8
While i was laying in bed i saw finn sleeping next to my switch and when i woke up it was soaked😑 i just zapped him into his pokeball and started watching leon highlights on poketube so i could be like him.

Day 9
Im a leon expert now i can even do his pose i decided to start my pokemon adventure today i hugged my mom goodbye and started to walk but i saw hop talking to a lady with gray hair i went up to her she was the ptofesser she took my phone and put a rotom in it😑..okay.

Day 10
Me and hop went to a train station but it was closed But a random boy gave me a pikachu i named it spark he seems familiar me and hop went to the professers house she gave us braclets that would let our pokemon dynamax.while i was there i caught a rookidee i named chirp.

Day 11
Me and hop went back to the train station it was open we set off and arrived in a place called the wild area we decided to spend the night next to a tree we set up a tent and started making curry
Spark was trying to help finn get over his sadness by rubbing his cheek on him and chirp was hugging him there so cute🤣

Day 12
We left the camp and set off for the first gym.spark hops scorbunny and chirp were running around everywhere trying to fight anything and everything in sight while hops woolo and finn looked at the chaos.👁👁

Day 13
Hop went into the gym first he came out after around fifteen minutes i grinned and walked in i won by dynamaxing chirp he evolved into a corvisquire.😆

Day 14
Me and hop set off for the second gym chirp allows spark to ride on his back its cute but finn is still acting anxious so i picked him up and placed him on my head he seemed to relax after.

Day 15
We set up the tent again finn has become a little bit less anxious he plays with spark and chirp hop caught a shiny corvisquire thats been trying to fight chirp ever since hes been caught but chirp gets annoyed and spark gets protective.

Day 16
We arrived at the second gym this time i went first but i lost because of my overconfidence finn also evolved into drizzile but him and me are now matching moods.

Day 17
Hop tried to cheer me up(he lost too)but im just not happy finn gets me its annoying spark and chirp cuddle with me but it doesnt make me feel better.

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