Secrets (Stenbrough)+Me & a friend being stupid as bonus

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A oneshot in which Stanley has had enough of Bill's behavior after the two kissing at a party (5 weeks before). Stanley is 17 and Bill is 18.

Bill Denbrough and Stanley Uris have been best friends for as long as they could even remember. Bill has been keeping a secret, though. Two, if you wanna be precise. Stanley, is the only one who doesn't know though.
"Bill," Stanley said as he grabbed Bill's wrist tightly. "Uh- ow- S- Stan- Stanley, your- your hurting mm- me.." Bill stuttered out as he tried to pull away from his curly haired friend. "Bill. Why have you been acting so different towards me? I don't like it."
"Wha- wha- wha-aht do yo- you me- mean?" Bill knew he was stuttering a lot, and he hated it. But he gets like that when he's extremely nervous or if he's scared.
"You know what I mean."
"I d- don't.." Bill lied.

"Stop lying! You know what your doing! You avoiding me, and ignoring me, if you even hear my name you make an excuse and walk away! Ever since that kiss when we were at that party!" He shouted. "You won't even come here if you know I'm here!" He finished and Bill tried again to jerk his hand out of the boys grip. "Why.. Why. Why are you ignoring me? Are you disgusted with me? Is that it?"

"Wha- what? Whu- why wou- would I- I- I be di- disgusted with- with yo-u?" Bill murmured. "Are you!?"

"No! No, no I'm not!" Bill suddenly shouted. "I'm gay myself, and that kiss.. It meant something to me, but it meant absolutely NOTHING to you!" He finished as he snatched his wrist from Stanley's grip. "You think it meant nothing?.." He mumbled and Bill nodded. "I- I-f it di- did mean so- some- something, then s- s- say- ay it now."

Suddenly, Stanley pulled Bill closer to him by his waist and pressed their lips together. Bill was startled at first, but slowly gave in and rested his hands on Stanley's chest as he put more pressure to deepen the kiss. Stanley pulled away, and being nervous, he started drawing circles on his friends hips with his fingers, which the shorter found adorable.

"Bill... that kiss meant everything to me.. I love you."

"I-I love yo- you too, Stan- Stanley."


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I am aware i've written too much today.
Blake 💛💫

Word count: 433
Paragraphs: 6, 3 lines
Dialogues: 17
Dialogues per paragraph:
#1. 0
#2. 5
#3. 3
#4. 2
#5. 4
#6. 0

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