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(Not the last chapter, duh)

Muzan POV

Hee heeee eheee.

I moonwalked down the hall and got back on to the elevator, pulling the taquito kid's brother behind me.  I tilted my hat in a hee hee manner and put in the floor number.  The elevator said "Burst fourth" aesthetically and started shooting upward.  

"You can't expel my brother cause of me!" the kid shouted.  "He didn't do anything wrong!"

"He made that Makoto guy sad," I replied.  "Plus, I hate gays.  And the kid's a twink.  I want him out, alright?"

"If you're gonna punish someone," argued Yogurt or whatever his name was.  "Punish Makoto!  He was the one who tried to R*PE one of your students!"

I just rolled my eyes as the elevator came to a stop.   I pushed Yogurt-chan out of the elevator and grabbed him by the neck as I moonwalked to Taquito Twink's room.

I got out the correct key, unlocked the door, and kicked it open, Yogurt close behind me, rolling his eyes.  As we entered the room fashionably, Taquito looked up.  "Yui?" he said, confused.

"You're expelled," I told him flatly.  He just stared at me for a moment.

"So you're not gonna elaborate?"  

"Nah man."  With that, I moonwalked out, leaving the brothers to their own awkward conversation.  

Muichiro POV

"Yui, what's he talking about?" I asked, completely bewildered.

"Uhh," he replied.  "I kinda punched Makoto a few times - in your honor of course, dearest brother o' mine - and now Kibutsuji blames YOU for whatever reason and you're expelled."

I stared at him.  "Great," I said, groaning.  "Great.  This day has just been the greatest, hasn't it?"

"Indeed," agreed Inosuke from the roof.  We paid him no mind.

"If you want me to say I'm sorry," Yui said, annoyed at my rudeness.  "That sucks for you, cause Makoto deserved it and I don't regret what I did to him."

"I got expelled," I replied flatly.  "For doing absolutely nothing wrong."

"I mean," he replied.  "Those weirdass pigtails are probably against school rules or something-"

"We have the same hair."

Yuichiro stared at me.  "You could, y'know, come to my school.  It's not that bad."

"The school for kids with anger issues?"


I groaned.  "Yui, please stop trying to make this seem better.  This fucking sucks and I appreciate you wanting to defend me I suppose but you could just say sorry for getting me expelled!"  I crossed my arms, looking down so he wouldn't see the tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

Though, predictably, no apology came.  Clearly, this just made him mad.  

"I was trying to PROTECT you, you little shit!" Yuichiro shouted.  I hate when he yells like that.  It hurts my ears...

"Sorry, Yui.." noticing my tears and the crack in my voice, Yui's face softened.  

"I'm sorry I yelled," he replied, sighing.  "This situation sucks."  He wrapped me in his arms, and I leaned into my brother's comforting body heat.

"Hey, Taquito 1 and 2, what are you still doing here?"  I jumped and looked to see Kibutsuji at the door.  "I expelled your ass, and you don't even go here.  Out."  

I sighed.  "Give me a minute to pack-"


"Eek!" I jumped, grabbing Yui's hand and speed walking past Kibutsuji, down the hall, and into the elevator.  

We didn't speak for the whole ride.  

Once we got to the lobby, I returned my student card and dorm key, and began to walk out the front doors.

"Hey, Muichiro!" called Mitsuri.  "Where are you going?"

"I got expelled," I mumbled, not turning to see the older girl's reaction.  I didn't turn around until Yui and I were almost out of sight.  Only then, I looked to see the large, stupid school one more time.  God, school is ass, but I was gonna miss it, in a way.  I knew I'd miss Genya... oh well.  

"Hurry up," Yui said.

GenMui School AUWhere stories live. Discover now