i only do one shots why do i have to do a part title

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He first noticed it in the common area.

Deku, sitting on the couch, homework laid out in front of him, his focus lasered onto the papers. A small All Might keychain—given to him by his mother—hung loosely out of his mouth. His lips enveloped All Might's chibi-style head as he gently ground his teeth back and forth against it, and the chain flicked up and down, being mindlessly chewed on and used as a sort of fidget. He was hunched over towards the assignment, his mind on the work instead of the poor All Might.

Katsuki had seen him put small objects like pencils in his mouth before and toy with them, but never really paid attention to it as the boy had many of these unassuming traits; muttering, making motions with his hands as if writing something down, fiddling with his lower lip, etc. All things he did when deep in thought.

It was admittedly unnerving to the blond how all these small things came to mind so easily. 'I never paid mind to the nerd before, damnit, when did that change?'

Not like it was very important anyway. He lightly shrugged his shoulders and moved on with his day. Just another little quirk of his.


The second time granted a far different reaction.

It was in the common area again, except this time there was no keychain, and no homework. Deku was watching the cable TV, sitting in the candy-cane bastard's lap. To make matters far worse, the stupid half-bake had a finger in Deku's mouth, and Deku suckled on it like an infant. They both seemed content, unfortunately.

Katsuki felt something pool in his stomach, something that made a rubber band want terribly to snap inside of him. He wasn't jealous, shut the fuck up. He was just angry that it was the halfie and not someone who would actually take care of him! Someone like.. like…. oh.

Bakugou mother-fuckin' Katsuki never got jealous. THAT was bullshit. Everyone was jealous of him, and yet… fuck. He wishes that were him.

The shitnerd noticed eyes on him and turned towards Katsuki, only to be met with a scowl rivaling that of the world's ugliest hawk. The dweeb could practically see the steam billowing out of his ears like a train. His eyes went wide, and he pushed Icyhot's finger out of his mouth with a quiet pop. The dickbrain (Todoroki) looked at the shitnerd confused before facing the same way, and making a funky, puzzled face that Katsuki was certain no one else had ever seen. The blond partially wished he wasn't as angry as he was or he would've taken a photo. The other part of him was happy the finger was out.

Something about it was dangerously intimate, and Katsuki didn't like that that wasn't him. You can't tell anyone though, cuz he's not jealous. Nope. Not him. Never. Nada. Nein.

He did the only natural solution, which obviously was to shout at them and then subsequently storm off.

"Stop pullin' that shit, weirdos. Half N' Half, we get it, you like him, cut it out. Nobody wants to see that. Deku, shitnerd, you're better than this. Than him. Stop." He then stomped away from the bewildered expressions on both their faces, already wanting to drift asleep and forget about this BS.

As soon as he closed his dorm's door, he facepalmed. Holy shit that might've been the stupidest thing he's ever done.

Other than that one time at Deku's 12th birthday party—which only he went to—when they kissed each other for "practice". Like 8 times. What? Deku was cute and Katsuki didn't wanna be inexperienced for the girls who he… never ended up getting with.

Shut up.


The third time he came by it was his favorite of the interactions.

the one where deku has an oral fixationWhere stories live. Discover now