Attending Battle Alliance Academy

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After the years of the intense training and sparring of him and Heephis..

With Lupin and his speedy blue brother ready to attend this new Academy along with the new Power he had, he was ready for a new start.

Lupin and Sonic finally made their way to the Battle Alliance Academy after driving 10 hours.

Lupin and Sonic finally made their way to the Battle Alliance Academy after driving 10 hours

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Lupin and Sonic was rather amazed and excited for their new start at this new Academy.

Lupin and Sonic were making your way to the principal office, Lupin was distracted by the scenery when the moment he actually bumped into someone.

Lupin: oh I'm sorry..

???: Oh it's okay just watch where you're going..

Lupin was able to regain consciousness and saw the girl in front of him, and saw that she had brown with pink and blue.

Lupin: you are so beautiful..

???: I'm sorry, what you say..

Lupin: I mean you really are beautiful..

??? flustered: well that is kind of the nicest compliment you ever gave me..

Sonic: hey if you're too lovebirds are done right now we need to get ready to go to the principal office?!?

Lupin: all right, sorry, but right now we need to get ourselves signed up for the Academy!!

???: I'm guessing that you two are new around here..

Lupin: yeah, but hate to cut the chatter a bit shorts, but we'll talk later..

Lupin ran off with Sonic to go to the principal office to be attended for the new Academy.

The girl with Brown and along pink and blue couldn't help it, but felt a bit of a crush on Lupin.

Lupin and Sonic finally came to the principal office were headmasters were waiting for our arrivals.

Lupin and Sonic finally came to the principal office were headmasters were waiting for our arrivals

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