Awake of Fallen God

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In the city of London was being attacked by the Decepticons and villains.

Civilians and bystanders ran away trying to not get in the crossfires of this attack.

Luckily students of Battle Alliance Academy came in to stop this attack.

Battle Alliance Academy Team:









Came in front of a villains making their presents known for them.

Lupin: okay team getting ready to take care of these villains..

Stephanie: why are we going to tell me that twice love..

X: yes.. after all it's our duty to protect the people.

Zero: seriously these random Villains attacks are getting more ridiculous!!

Bumblebee: well time to send the Cons back to Cybertron in a body bag!

Hound: I agree, so let's get ready.

Sonic: time to spend dash these villains to the jail cell!

Tangle: time for them to be Tangled by my tail..

Lupin: attack!!

Battle Alliance Academy Team we're fighting against Decepticons and villains.

Bumblebee and Hound were fighting against Soundwave and Barricade and some Decepticon drones.

X and Zero were fighting against some criminal Mavericks.

Sonic was spin dashing and hitting and knocking down every villains.

Tangle used for tail to extend and was able to knock out many of the villains.

Lupin fighting against many supervillains as well with martial arts combat.

Seen that many of the civilians and bystanders were cheering students of Battle Alliance Academy.

Lupin and their team was rather victorious to take down the villains and luckily for police cars to arrest the criminals.

Many of the bystanders and citizens came in to complement them and praise them for the heroic actions.

Lupin and his team didn't really want it to be boastful but we're just doing the right thing as fellow citizens of heroism.

Lupin was about to leave to Battle Alliance Academy, he couldn't help, but felt a powerful energy somewhere out there, but shrugged out for the time being.

However Lupin know that he could sense a powerful energy search somewhere out there for all you know and it could be a dangerous threat to Earth itself.

Meanwhile somewhere in a dark universe.

A being known as the fallen God by its name called: Zielo.

He slowly woke up his hair was similarity to his brothers Heephis and Celios however his fur color was dark gray.

Zielo's spoken up with a statistic grin finally woken up for all long years.

Zielo's spoken up with a statistic grin finally woken up for all long years

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Zielo: it's been a while seeing that I finally been awoken..

Zielo: and now it's time to wreak have it on this universe.. because it's certainly seems to his damn bastards of Union got what they deserve..

Zielo: let's see how Lupin the son of my brothers...

Zielo started to unleash his power causing a massive Shockwave across the Multiverse.

Many other powerful gods could even sense that power in fear that they knew it was the fallen God.

Discuss the attention of Supreme Kai of Time including the two brother gods as well felt that power.

Heephis: oh no..

Celios: so it seems he's finally awakened..

Chronoa: I agree it certainly seems his powers finally woken..

Heephis: great it certainly seems were out of time..

Celios: yeah I really hope our sons can actually defeat him.

Chronoa: is it and it seems that we'll have to make sure that he will unlock his full potential...

Heephis: locking School potential has enough to go beyond even God itself..

Celios: that's right there have been legends about people that can actually surpass God itself beyond its limits..

Chronoa: that's right, Lupin has to reach his power beyond his limits to protect the people of all races including the Earth itself..

Heephis: then we really hope that our son can actually do it..

Celios: what about Sonic he's also his brother as well..

Chronoa: I know he doesn't have that much amount of potential compared to his first brother..

Heephis: I know seen that he's also my brother as well..

Celios: you're right because we're certainly seems that we have to rely on faith on our oldest brother that we have..

Supreme Kai of Time including the two brother gods knew that time was running a bit short the fallen God has finally woken.

To Be Continued....

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