𝗱𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 : 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗻𝗲

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"He's so handsome but his fashion style is weird."

"He's so tall and handsome but he dress so weird."

"His style doesn't bring justice to his visuals."

"It's a waste, he's handsome but he's so weird."

Lorie's point of view.

Everyone has been saying these words to the campus' most favorite topic of all. Hansol Vernon Choi. Now, how do I know him? Well, it's been years since I joined this university and everyone has been talking about that one foreigner student in here. He's always the topic of every student in the hallways. Even seniors and mostly, juniors knows him. 

Most of the time, they would only talk about how weird he is and I don't get how it is necessary for them to care about other's life. Like, is talking about someone else's life, so fun? Especially, discriminating and judging that person? They always say that he's handsome yet weird and that his visuals are wasted because of his style.

I seriously hate people who would talk like that towards other people. Like, is it their business to be managed?

Anyways, I headed to school quite early today and decided to head to my classroom right away. I can't just hover around the school before class starts, I might get caught by the school council teacher AND ESPECIALLY, THE DETENTION TEACHER! He is so scary. 

"Here she goes again. So unbothered, so oblivious." 

"I don't get how such a pretty girl like her, would say something like that."

"She always acts like a hero, tsk."

"always acts like the protagonist.. ew."

And yes, I'm also a topic in the campus. I'm quite famous for being someone who would stand up for anyone being ganged up or criticized. But despite the fact that I'm famous for "ACTING LIKE A HERO", I had plenty of haters. Some students still greet me and treat me nicely. But some girls (yes it's mostly girls) hates me. Boys actually fall for me whenever I would protect someone or when I stand up for someone. 

They say, I'm brave. 

They say both good things and bad things about me. And did you read what she said? She said, I'm unbothered, I'm oblivious. How is being unbothered and oblivious similar? Yes, I was being unbothered but when was I ever oblivious?

Ugh, as expected from humans.

I walked inside my classroom and sat on the seat near the window. That's my seat. Yes, I know, it's cliché but I love it when the breeze from outside, enters the window and brushes through my hair. 

I soon noticed a note on my desk.

"You're dead, Boo Hyori."

I rolled my eyes.

Everyone tries to scare me with notes like this but they can't even put up a fight against me.

"Yah, Boo Hyori!"

Okay, here we go.

"Yes, Ahn Woomin?" I replied with a calm voice as she slammed her hand on my desk which didn't made me flinch even a bit. I tried to stay as calm as possible because class hasn't even started yet and I'm already gonna burst into madness? Nope. A big no-no. I need to focus on the class later. 

"Do you think I'll stop bullying Seo Eunjung if you tell me to?! Who are you to even tell me what to do?!" Woomin said as I rolled my eyes. Oh please stop, you're so immature, Ahn Woomin. 

"Don't you roll your eyes on me—" she exclaimed but I stood up straight from my seat, looking straight into her eyes.

"I don't care if you, Ahn Woomin is rich enough to pay everything and get everything just to satisfy yourself. Stop bullying people just because you think it's cool when it's not." I said straight at her face as I walked out of our room.

As I reached the door, I almost bumped into this guy.

I looked at him in the eyes and wow...



human being...

"Uhm, could you..." he muttered as I snapped out of my daydream. 

"Oh.... uhm." I uttered but we both kept on walking side to side, blocking each other's way every time we try to get passed each other.

"I'll just..." he muttered and dashed passed me as I gulped and ran to the rest room.


Vernon's point of view.

I accidentally bumped into a girl when I was heading to my classroom. She was heading out and I was heading inside so, we went like, side to side in the door before I finally got inside.

I sat on my seat which was near the window, in the farthest row. I took out my book, put my headphones on and started reading my book in silence.

Though I had my headphones on, I could hear and feel my classmates gossiping about me again. I can clearly feel their glances and stares.

I hate it.

They keep saying that I'm weird and I'm sick of it, so so sick of it. I would rather walk away or ignore their words whenever I hear them gossiping about me. Yes, I am popular. 

Popular for being an alien. 

Even you, who's reading this, probably expected me to be famous and popular because of my looks and my personality IN a positive way, but no. Although, I have the looks, they will still consider me as weird. 


First class dismissed. Now, I'm heading to Literature class and I was happier than how I looked. I entered the classroom and sat at the farthest seat as possible. As Mr. Kim entered the room, the class started. 

It was quite nice today. I didn't hear much people gossiping about me until Literature class ended and the third and the fourth class. I didn't seem to hear anything from anyone today. 

A smile grew upon my lips as I felt relieved and free. 

Today is a beautiful day. 


wow! I'm back with a new au! Vernon x oc au! I hope y'all would like this! I'm pretty excited for this one to the point that i actually dreamt about the scenes in this book skdgksghsksgsjsg. Anyways, i missed being hyped up like this haha! i miss u guys too! and again, pls mind the typographical errors hihihi

total no. of words: 1041

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