I'll move heaven and earth

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Okay. So this story is not at all one coherent storyline. I just write what comes to my mind and sometimes i create entire episodes in a script style. Sometimes i write oneshots, sometimes i write storys where i skip stuff to make it work. I order to know, wheater you will like a particular story, i will summerize it in the beginning. I try to not spoil the story, but if you want to be extra carefull start at the ***. Have fun.

Maya comes to think what her father would have done, if things didn't work out the way he planed it for her. She met a girl on a call, whose father academically pushed her for years, but after she got pregnant, he kicked her out. She and her special needs sister now live with a nice retired liberarian. After their house burnt down, the girl remembers the nice firefighter and gives her a call.


Its possible to put scenes in between to longer the episode. Eg. when Maya and Ben go to the shelter or idk, a small fire in between. But this is the main content of the episode

Scene 1
Ben, Maya and Vic are standing in the kitchen.
Andy knocks.
Maya: Andy? Hi?
Andy: I'm covering for Travis.
Maya: Yeah. His moms in the Hospital.
Andy: Oh, is it bad?
Maya: She is fine. But she seemed disoriented so they are afraid she might have Dementia or Alzheimers.
Andy: oh. That sucks
Maya: Yeah. We are trying to help, but he handles it quite well.
Klaxon: Engine 19 Aid Car 19 to Fleetwood avenue. Stucture fire.

Everyone rushing around.

Maya and Ben are on Aid.
Andy, Jack, Sullivan and Beckett are on Engine

Scene 2

Everyone dismounts cars.

Beckett: Bishop, Warren Evac, Herrera, Gibson you're on fire controll

Everyone stormes into the house.

Maya and Ben find Clara she sits on the stairs.

Clara: Shes up there. I can't see. The fire is in the attic. Auntie Evie is sleeping on the second floor.

Maya: Are you pregnant?

Clara: Yeah. I'm fine though, i just cant see.

Maya: Alright come with me. They are gonna get her down.


Maya: Whats your name?

Clara: Clara Fieldberg.

Maya: May i ask how old you are?

Clara: I'm 18.

Maya: Sit down there. And take this. Breathe. How far along are you?

Maya examines Clara while they speak.

Clara: 7 Months, 29 Weeks

Maya: Are you in pain?

Clara: No. Just a little short of breath.

Maya: Well just stay here.

Clara: All our things...gone.

Maya: Are you living here.

Clara: Yeah. Me and my sister. She lets us stay, she is the best.

Maya: Is your sister inside?

Clara: No shes at school.

Maya: This is your aunt, though.

Clara: No. She is the liberarian of the local libarary, i studdied there a lot until she gave me a key. She helped me often.

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