tomoe | master

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'It's a mad world

So why not choose a mad man?'

A Yokai,that is what you were.Eliminating and dispatching demons is your main objective,protecting the humans is why you are hired with the monks from the shrines.

For generations your family hereditary had the same blood-a demon demolisher.

So far so good, no one is injured,everyone is beatify,not sensing there's the presence of evil demons.

Until he came

You are friends with the Mikage Shrine owner-just friends,Nanami Momozono.She is all the definition of nice and kind,adding up the reasons of why you wanted to protect people more

Being the responsible yokai you are, you had this distrust feeling and oddly aura you receiving from the fox yokai, Tomoe Mikage-at least that is what he introduces himself to you with.

But the status yokai makes yourself to believe he is the same as you-demon demolisher.

But you are wrong, the secret tragic mystery lies ahead

'He'll love you forever,

You'll never forget him'

You stood frozen,your eyes widened in the process,not caring your lungs are screaming for breath to catch despite all the run you make up the long stairs just to reach up to the Mikage Shrine.

But you were too late,

Not the view of a splattered red blood splotch onto the ground of your sight,instead, it all left by grey ash lied on the ground,slowly being blown by the cold breeze blowing past through you.

The usual dark black sky at night,now blanketed in red color,making your surroundings looks infra-red.

And judging by the outfits and leftover objects stray upon the ashes, it belongs to your acquintances as well as your friends.

The whisper that you heard since the time you run like mad to here was heard inside your mind again,

'Here, over here' it says,

Despite the horrifying sight,you gritted your teeth and dash across the death field towards the back of the shrine where Nanami once shows you the way,

"Nanami!" you called as loud as you could but only echoes is all you receives,

You slide the door open one by one,your eyes frantically darting around the dark empty shrine hoping the figure you're looking for came in sight

By the last door at the end of the corridors,you waste no time to slam the carton paper door open and an audible gasp escape from your lips,


There,the brunette girl lied on the wooden floor, lying flat and remain unmoved.

You ran over her side and pulls her onto your lap,slowly turning her around to take a look at her feature to see if she is fine.

But to your nightmare, you're too late-again.

You screamed and backs away,dropping the now dead friend of yours onto the floor-both of her eyes has been gouged out,her once beautiful pink lips is now ripped apart up to her jaws.

"N-na..nami.." You let out a bloodshot scream and couldn't hold back any longer for the hot tears remain sitting on the corner of your eyes

"Ah, i see my lovely [Y/N] has finally come,yes" a voice drawl out from your right,you looked up to see a figure slowly stepping out from the dark shadows-revealing the face you despise the most


His eyes coldly narrowed to Nanami's corpse,before smirking wickedly,

"See what you have done,[Y/N]. You made me doing all this"

"I made you? I MADE YOU!? Cut the crap Tomoe,WHY!?" In alert, you instantly scrambled up and gripping your katana tightly in your hands.

'You might think he's out to get you

and that just might be true'

"Don't make myself clear for the reason i'm doing this," he spoke,eyes roaming your being hungrily as if he was the hunter and you're the prey.

"You killed,everyone,Nanami! Who trusts you so much!"

"Everyone,except you [Y/N]"

"What?" you breathed out,

"Why is it so hard,to gain your trust in me? Is it because i'm a demon fox,is that it [Y/N]?" this time, he took steps by steps forward,reaching for you.

Automatically, you backs away,pointing the tip of your weapon to his way,preparing your horses on your feet

"I don't give a damn Tomoe" your gaze hardened to the white male standing before you

This clicked his patience, all you did is ignoring his remarks and looks away from his eyes every time both of you meet.Watching you from afar, Tomoe knew he just have to discipline you down.

"Is that how you want it? Be my guest"

Within a second, he vanishes into thin air,just in a blink like that.

Your sensitive yokai ears perked, you spun around with a quick swift to slash the katana in your hands just right to the fox's arms before vanishing again-pretty sure you hit him already

So fast!?

And before you knew it, a heavier weight slams you onto the ground producing a loud thud and your head hits the ground firstly resulting a painful shot through your brain and your sight to went white blur

But clear enough to see the white figure hovering above you-you haven't even realized he had your katana in his hold. The fox grins against the struggles you make underneath him

'He could kiss you one day

and then kill you the next day'

"I had always wanted to,kill you,[Y/N]," he spoke

"But then,i thought that, why kill you when i can just torture you?"

[Y/N], you do know that...a fox needs its master,don't they?" he questioned but you remained silenced, glaring at the male before you

"Don't they!?" he harshly yell,

"Yes,they do" you answered,lowly.

"And so for now, why don't i be your master after those tiring 700 hundred years?" he slurred,his lips dangerously brushing your earlobe

"Don't fuck with me Tomoe, go to hell and die"

Your strong remarks cause him to pulls away,studying your resentmen features that he find it so interesting

"Look at that, the kind of suffering, pain and sorrow expression that i love on you"

"Rather than imagining what is here now, why not think what will happen to you if you die in my hands in the nearest future" You spat,

The fox's grip around your wrist tightened,his sharp long nails digging into your flesh drawing blood and you winced in pain,

"We just have to discpline that attitude now, don't we?"

His hand which is holding your weapon rise,the tip of the blade rested upon the flesh of your torso,

"Let's hear that melodious voice,shall we?"

Your face paled,before the fox yokai forcefully thrust the katana into your lower stomach where the pain is unbearable for you,making you screams without your conscience


"That's not good [Y/N], Master would do"

'He is a murdereously insane

perhaps after all, You should stay away'

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