First day of school

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Isabella's alarm goes off

Isabella-*turns off alarm*ugh time to get ready

Isabella does her morning routine And then goes downstairs to eat breakfast

Isabella-Robin awake before me?

Robin-yeah I woke up early since you take long to get ready

Isabella-alright then*starts eating*where is Tio(uncle)?

Robin-he already left for work he's coming back at like 8pm


They finish eating

Isabella-*grabs her backpack*come on let's go we have to wait for the bus

Robin-fine*grabs backpack

They go to the bus stop

Finney-Are those the new kids?

Gwen-I'm guessing

Finney-I heard they are trouble

Gwen-The girl looks like she isn't she looks soft

Finney-you don't know that

Gwen-trust me I know finney

Finney-you have to much confidence

Gwen-okay so?

Finney-whatever let's go talk to them

Gwen-no!we gotta let them come to us


Gwen-just be quiet the bus is here

Isabella-Hoping this school is good

Robin-me too

They get in the bus

finney-*staring at Isabella*

Isabella-You want something?

Finney-UH no sorry


Gwen-Why would you stare at them?!

Finney-it was by accident

Gwen-you don't stare at someone by accident stupid

Finney-sorry gosh.

They arrive at school
And get off the bus

Robin-so I'll see you after first period isa *walks away


Gwen-so your the new girl?

Isabella-uh yeah

Gwen-I thought you'd be prettier guess I was wrong*looks up and down*

Isabella-you have a problem with me or something?

Gwen-Just hear me out if you get near finney I'll end you

Isabella-Who's that your boyfriend?

Gwen-No he's my brother but I don't want bitches like you near him

Isabella-Your funny*pushes gwen out the way and walks away*

Bell rings

Teacher-Welcome class to English today we have a new student Isabella Arellano if you could introduce yourself please

Isabella-Hello everyone I'm Isabella but you can also call me Isa hope we all can be cool

Teacher-Thank you Isabella so today class

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