Chapter 2

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I awoke to the bright lights from my window blinding me. I threw the blanket over my face and groaned. Ugh, I forgot to put the curtains up. After a few twists and turns of trying to get back to sleep, I gave up and threw the covers off.

I stretched my arms up over my head and let out a long yawn before standing up. Randomly, I pulled a shirt and jeans out of my dresser and then slipped them on. After brushing through my tangled mess of hair, I decided to go on a thorough search for breakfast.

The kitchen was slightly crowded due to the many boxes huddling around the counters. I opened the fridge and sighed. It was mostly empty other than an oversized bowl holding a few oranges and a carton of apple juice that was almost empty. Oranges it is.

I pulled an orange out and began peeling it. Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming towards me. I peeked around the corner, expecting to see mom, but instead, I saw a middle aged blonde haired man with a scruffy chin coming towards me. Luckily, he was looking down sleepily so he didn’t see me.

I pulled myself back behind the corner, covering my mouth. There’s someone in my house. That was the one thought in my mind. I glanced around for something I could use as a weapon. Then I remembered the orange in my hand.

He was just turning around the corner when I threw the orange at his face. He fell back and, while he was still shocked by the impact, I kicked him where the sun don’t shine. He fell to his knees, groaning.

“ What are you doing in this house?!” I shrieked, punching him in the face.

He grabbed my hand and began squeezing it painfully, making me yelp. He pulled me to the ground and, I screamed as loud as I could, until he covered my face.

“ I was just about to ask you the same question, stupid girl,” he said, gasping for air, his evil green eyes glaring. He began twisting my wrist back, causing a few tears to slip out.

“ What’s going on in here?” my mom’s voice squeaked.

The man rolled off me. “ Judy, your daughter attacked me out of no where. I was defending myself.” He stood up and smiled innocently at her.

I scooted back against the wall, cradling my wrist. I assessed the damage. It was a deep red and hurt really bad when I moved it.

“ Detarra! This is my boyfriend, Hank!” my mother said, wrapping her arm around him.

I stood up, while he stared at me smugly. “ Hello Detarra.”

“ Get out of my house,” I whispered to him, my eyes brimming.

His grin disappeared. “ What?”

“ Get out of my house!” I screamed at him.

My mom gasped. “ Detarra! Apologize immediately!”

“ Mom! Are you stupid? Are you blind?” My eyes no longer held tears. “ What kind of boyfriend does that to your daughter?!”

She stepped forward and slapped me. I stood there, gasping for a few moments. “ I think you should leave now, Detarra,” my mother’s voice shook.

I chuckled darkly, and then turned to her, shaking. “ You’re not my mom anymore.” Before another word could be spoken, I ran out of the house and down the street, causing people to jump away and cars to honk at me.

I saw a large, red building in front of me with a long dark alley behind it and ran in. The alley was filled with trashcans and was pretty dark. I sat down in an old lawn chair and held my arm. Did that really just happen?

The throbbing in my arm gave me a silent, solemn answer. I clutched it closer, almost hugging it to my chest.

What kind of mom just allowed that? Maybe she was just shocked by it all and didn’t know how to react, but that was still not right. To allow that… monster into our home. I’m guessing that that had to be the guy she was talking to on the phone, but, what was he doing in the house?

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