4.) Lockdown - Middle School AU (Deku Angst)

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A/N - ok so during school we had a lockdown drill and it made me come up with this idea. So I hope you enjoy this one shot.

TW: fire, bullying

Izuku POV
I was sitting at my desk sketching in my journal and the teacher was at his desk on his phone, as were many of my classmates. However, Kacchan was studying with his textbook next to him as he took notes but I already finished my homework and nobody else really cared that much I guess.

Suddenly, I heard an alarm go off and I glanced up and everyone seemed to quickly enter a state of panic. The speakers came on in the classroom.

"Attention students, there is a villain in the building: this is not a drill. I repeat: this is not a drill!" The speaker announced.

I felt my body start to shake.m as kids were yelling and I could hear screams in the hallways from other classes. Everyone was scared, my classmates started to run around the room sealing up the windows and and closing the blinds. Another group tried to block off the door with a desk.

"Students, please remain calm, it'll all be ok." The teacher tried or reassure us, but nobody was buying it. The nervousness was clear as day in his state and I quickly heard a group of kids behind me arguing whether to blockade or evacuate the classroom.

"We need to leave!!" One brunette girl yelled trying to push past the blockade at the door.

"No! That's suicide, you dumbass." A dark haired boy whispered at her and another kid was shushing them. The teacher was urging everyone to stay calm and be quiet as we had no plan of what we were supposed to do in an event like this. The school never prepared us for a villain attack on our school and we never imagined it would ever happen I guess. More of hoping, I guess.

I turned and saw one of my female classmates hunched in the corner calling his mother in tears and another girl trying to support her. Some kids, like me, were frozen and fear and haven't left their desks and almost everyone was arguing over the best course of action to take.

"All right, students." Our teacher quietly addressed us from behind his desk, trying to hide from the doors view. Most of us looked back at him and one blonde haired boy fainted in the back as a red head was trying to wake him.

"We are going to safely evacuate and get to a safe location, ok?" He whispered. Some students nodded, I remain scared.

Could we really make it out of this alive; What if we get stuck while trying to leave; Is trying to exit the building really the best choice when we have no information about this situation?

I watched some kids nervously head towards the door, some were cowering behind others. Kacchan was at the front of all of them standing next the teacher by the door. Suddenly, there was a sound of glass breaking. I flinched at the sound and looked back up. An item was just thrown into the classroom. At that, everyone ran towards the door and all the kids quickly turned to chaos.

Screams and cries could be heard throughout the room as well as sounds of desks and chairs being shoved. Kids are being pushed to the ground, it is truely a horrible sight to see. I finally started to try to head towards the door, being one of the last ones, but one of my bullies ran from behind me and threw me harshly to the ground as I felt my head hit a desk hard. I winced sharply at the pain and I felt blood start to drizzle down my neck and a shiver went through my body.

I was dizzy and could barely stand back up as my vision was blurry and my hearing was fuzzy. I felt for the desk next to me and helped myself stabilize better and when my vision cleared, it was met with an empty classroom. I looked around and realized they all had left, I tried to get to the door as quickly as possible.

I reached out for the door handle and winced. It was burning hot, like it had been heated by something. I look through the door window and my eyes widen as I see smoke rising; fires flying through the halls; I felt tears trickle down my face.

Something then collapsed in front of the door, pieces of wood from the floor above. The door is blocked and the building is burning down. I can't believe it, is this how I was going to die? I breathed in heavily, coughing from all the smoke I was inhaling. I stumbled over to the windows and lifted the blinds. I see my class exiting the bottom floor entrance with my teacher leading them away. Hundreds of people flood the area, running all over, pushing and shoving. The tears continue to roll down my face.

I saw one kid make direct eye contact with me, it was the kid who pushed me. The smoke caused me to start coughing harshly and I quickly fell to my knees. I saw him smirk and laugh. Did they really hate me that much that they were willing to turn a blind eye? They wanted me to burn down with the building, I couldn't believe it.

My teacher was counting the kids and marking them down as be seemed to come to the end of the list, he began to look around. He just simply rolled his eyes and handed the list to the principal. Wow. Even my own teacher wanted me to perish. My heart was shattered. Yes, I never cared for any of them, but still. They were willing to let a 14 year old kid burn to death, just because he is quirkless.


I felt my head get light as my breathing got more labored. I crouched down and let myself fall to the ground. My eyes flickered open and shut as the world started to dim and I could feel my insides burning and my exterior twitch.

My bully was now standing next to Kacchan and he started to point at me and laugh. Kacchan's eyes followed his point until his gaze met mine, and that was the last image I saw before the lights went out.
1100 words written. Does anybody want a part 2 to this story? If so any ideas.

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