The Lullaby

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"When the sky has gone from day to night," I whisper gently in a singing voice, staring down at the tiny face looking back up at me, "I tuck my little ones in tight."

A small coo comes from the human in my arms and it makes my heart melt. Her beautiful dark purple eyes stare up into mine, which shine vibrantly with her light red skin. "Soft and snuggled in your bed, I hope that warm thoughts fill your head," I continue singing.

I adjust the pink cotton blanket in my arms as gently as I possibly can. "I love to sit and watch you dream, while lacing shoes and sewing seams," my father's old lullaby rolls off my tongue, sending my tender voice through the air just between the two of us. "I'd sew a hundred thousand shoes to make all of your dreams come true."

"And if I had to start anew, I'd do it all again for you." Every second I stare down, I feel a little bit more of the world around me slip away until it feels as if we are the only two people in existence. "My child, my heart, my dearest one. Sleep well until the night is done."

Her dark purple eyes slowly drift shut and I feel the weight in my arms increase. Nothing in the world could make me take my eyes off of her right now. I hold the last note of my father's song as long as my heart can hold, hearing it fade away from my voice as I stare down at my new baby girl.


Is it just me or has the whole world become a lot more dangerous? Maybe it is just from seeing it through the eyes of a mother. Holding this baby in my arms is like holding the whole world in my arms.

Jax holds the door wide open for me as I walk into the Royal Manor, mesmerized as well by our new child. "Welcome to your home, Eliana." Hearing someone say these words out loud makes my stomach twist. Holy harpies. My daughter is going to grow up in the Royal Manor. I'm going to raise a princess! I have no clue how to raise a princess. I don't even know how to be a princess, as I wasn't one for very long before I became Queen.

But now is not the time to worry about that. Right now is the time I introduce my sweet baby girl to her new world. Inside these walls that I've been in so many times, there is a different feeling running through my body. Everything just seems so different. Better, even. Much better.

"It's time to spend your first night in your new home," I say lightly to Eliana (Elie for short). Just as I'm about to step into the hallway, I notice some of our staff walking toward me, looking ready to take Elie from me. I subconsciously hold her closer. "What's going on?"

"We are here to take Princess Eliana to her room, your majesty," Harold, a member of the staff, tells me with his arms stretched out. I can't help but cringe at the word majesty, though I've heard it a few times. I've told them not to call me that.

I look down at the baby in my arms and back to the outstretched hands in front of me. "No," I respond and the staff backs up a step.

Jax leans over and whispers in my ear, "Gilly, we talked about this..."

"No," I repeat. "I want to keep her with me for the night." When I was younger, I have distinct memories of my parents keeping each of my siblings and me with them in their room for the first year of our lives. There is no reason I should do it differently with Elie just because I live in the Royal Manor, right?

Jax turns me towards him so I'm no longer looking at the staff. "Remember the room they set up? We agreed it looked wonderful."

My eyes wander before making their way back to Elie. "It did look wonderful...for the future. Look, I know I agreed to this, but seeing her now, I just don't want to part with her." Her deep purple-ish brown eyes look up at me. "I wanna keep her."

Jax chuckles slightly. "Don't worry, she's not going anywhere. Except her room." The staff makes a move closer to me.

"Then can I stay in there with her for the night?" I ask. Or can I just demand? I'm still not quite sure how these Queen powers are supposed to work yet.

Harold clears his throat. "Um, my Queen, it is tradition for the maids to tend to the baby's needs so the King and Queen may get proper rest."

"Right, we have responsibilities," Jax supplies.

I frown deeply. "I guess you're right." But I still don't want to give her up just yet.

Harold reaches out for her and I have no choice but to hand her over. My heart gives a lurch as I feel the weight of her release from my arms and all I want to do is grab her back. They're taking my kid! Watching them walk away with her hurts deeply and I watch until I can't see them anymore.

"It will be alright," Jax whispers, placing a hand on my shoulder and steering me away. "We'll get to see her for the rest of forever."

It's been three hours and I can't sleep. All I can do is lay flat on my back in bed, staring straight up at the ceiling. My mind is racing, wondering how she could be doing right now. I roll on my side, but that doesn't help my thoughts. I can't take this anymore.

Quickly and quietly, I creep out of my bed, determined not to make a sound. I'm pretty good at not making a sound as I walk from all my years of thieving–something I'm not advised to talk about in this castle but I do anyway. Through the hallway I creep, silent. If someone caught me, there's not much they could do other than keep walking, but creeping feels more natural.

Finally, I reach the polished oak door that I recognize as the door to Elie's room, twist the handle, and creep in without making a sound. Three maids lay passed out on couches in the room, waiting for her to make a noise or need something. But tucked softly into the large crib with engraved fairy wings on the side (to honor her half-fairness) is my adorable sleeping baby. Her tiny eyes are shut on her tiny face as she drifts away into sleep land.

Right next to the crib, I spot a comfy chair that looks to be just begging to be sat on, so I do. My eyes are locked on the sweet sleeping child and nothing, absolutely nothing, could take them off her for the rest of the night.

RULED Part 2: A Fairy Tale Reform School Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now