Mental Break Needed

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The next morning the eldest Matthews siblings were on their beds doing their own things. Noah was reading the book that his Mum had dropped off and Julie was writing something. Fatima comes into the room and pulls the curtains on their beds and looks at them, "what are you doing?" she asks.

"Noah is reading and I am writing a list." Julie explains, sitting up.

"Of?" Fatima asks Julie as she adjusts the curtains.

Julie looks down, "all the people who are probably wondering where we are right now." she pauses and looks up at Fatima, "I mean it's gotta be worse for them right? Not knowing."

"I made one too." Fatima says, "I'm pretty sure everybody did at one time or another. Who's on yours?"

"Our grandparents, my friends and Noah's friends, for him." she says, Noah looks up from his book.

"What?" the girls lightly chuckle as Julie shows him the list, "oh."

"Boyfriend?" Fatima asks, Noah laughs at this question which earns a glare from his sister.



"No. There's nobody like that." Fatima then turns to Noah

"What about you?"

"Nothing at the moment. Exes mainly." he replies

"And they were bad." Julie says. This causes Fatima to look confused. "They were the popular 'ooh look at me,' girls. So annoying." Fatima and Julie chuckle

"They weren't that bad." Noah defends, he then thinks for a second. "Okay, no they were pretty bad." he corrects causing them all to laugh.

"I guess it's a good thing though right? It's just less people wondering where we are." Julie says to Noah.

"Okay, that's enough of that. We need some fun, stat." she says as she stands up, "get dressed and meet me downstairs in five?"

"Why?" the siblings ask

"You'll see." she replies.

"Hey Fatima." Noah calls out, Fatima looks at him expectantly, "so Y/N?"

She looks at him confused, "what about her?" she asks

"Well you said she would have left if she didn't trust me in the slightest right?" earning a nod from the girl, "so she trusts me? I mean she seems like a person not to trust anyone."

"Y/N is a complex person. She doesn't really trust anyone. Well except Ellis. They have a good connection. But she doesn't talk often." she explains.

"So why did you take me to her in the first place?" he asks confused

"I think she needs to get out of her shell, y'know? It might be good for her." she explains, "listen, just you have to be careful with her. That's all I'm saying. For her sake and for yours. Ellis will kill you if you hurt her." she tells him with a laugh indicating it was a joke as she walks out of the room. Noah looks down in contemplation before standing up to get ready. 


Fatima makes her way over to Ellis in a garage where he was working on something, "hey."

"Hey." he greets back

"No more work this morning. She's uh, making the list." she says

"What about Noah?" he asks as Fatima did just say 'she'

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