Halloween Special

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Halloween was approaching in the mortal world.

She planned on returning to the farm. She couldn't bear to see it in any condition but how Pop's left it. Ivan had opened a door for her inside the barn so she could come and go, but she always had a cluster of guards trailing not far behind. Ivan managed his kingdom during the day. He led with strength and consideration to the happiness of his people. That meant they may not see each other on busy days until evening. But with time being so unpredictable they also could spend what felt like days together lounging in bed.

She'd decided to make the farm a second home. Like her grandmother's greenhouse, this would be her space. Her loved ones visited there. Her memories, once too painful to address, brought her a strange comfort. She got rid of the horses. It seemed a waste to have them on the land without Pop's caring for them. Ivan said he'd deal with the costs, but she insisted she try and cover the fees of the land if she could. She planned to use the barn as her studio and sell her work at local galleries (the few there were) and online. She painted the deathless landscapes and taught lessons to a few interested locals. Some days she helped in town, Ivan inviting her to engage with the dealthless civilians. Some even become her friends.

There would be a party.

Halloween was a big deal for the deathless folk. The barrier between life and death was much thinner. Their hearts yearned for earth. The souls of their families pulled them towards home. Their original home. Some returned to their homelands, others visited surviving relatives from afar...And some had no ties left at all. Their countries and cities or villages no longer existed at all. Their family lines are also long dead.

So they danced. Extravagant costumes, drink and music. Ivan told her it was the liveliest time of year. But even more so because they had it on earth, and often it intermingled with morals who assumed it was a normal party.

"Where will it be?" She asked Ivan.

"Mika takes care of the planning. Usually she finds a mortal party to crash and enchant. No one gets hurt. No mortals see anything too strange or they won't remember."

"So it could be...at some fraternity house?"

Ivan chuckled. "It could. Or at a town hall. Or on a ship at sea." She giggled.

"Sounds like a good time."


An hour before the party was set to begin, her new attendant Odess arrived with a bundle of fabric in her arms.

"Your majesty..." She bowed and smiled.

"Hello, Od. How are you?" Odess blushed. "I noticed a young woman brought you flowers in the courtyard this morning." She raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"Oui-Yes, my queen." She smiled down at her feet.

"Will I see you two together at the party tonight."

"I think so...Elle est mon rendez-vouz. We go together." She smiled brightly. Odess was fairly young for a deathless person. Still older than Jane, but there wasn't really a need to have new civilians when they never died. She was born in 1960's in the south of France. She told Jane about her life before. She'd become ill not long before she was supposed to be married. A man who worked for her father who was twice her age. Ironically, she was sure the woman who had stopped by with flowers was much more than twice Odess' age.

"Marvelous. I'll be sure to say hello. What do you have there?"

"Oh! My Lady's costume! A few options..." She laid out each ensemble across the bed.

"What is His Majesty dressing as?" She asked. If she could match that would be much better.

"Koschei has requested I keep it as a surprise. If that is alright with the queen." She smirked. Fun. Would he be going separately then, hiding in plain sight?

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