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The night sky and backyard gardens were inky with a few marks of a glow from various stars. The lively smell of my mother's flowers danced around us. She took pride in her work of art. Gardening was her speciality. A faint echo of the music played from the house's continuing festivities.

"So how are you?" My mother placed a hand onto my shoulder.

"The 'how are you' questions again." I chuckled.

"I am your mother. I should always be concerned for my babies."

"Babies?" I escorted her over to a nearby stoned bench that overlooked the marble fountain.

"Oh so you and Keira are too old to be my babies?" She smiled.

"Pretty much." She nudged me away.

This time with her was well needed. A moment of peace and quiet with another woman in my life.

"I have to say. I have not seen you so happy since your first shift."

"Well I have a reason to be."

"Of course. We are all happy for you." She put her hand into my hands. "So...about those grandchildren."

"Grand children? You're a little ahead of yourself aren't you?"

"What? No way. I refuse to be an old woman with grand kids. You and Keira are depriving me fun time with my grand children."

"Mom." I sighed. "Before anything, I want to make sure we are settled-"

"Then babies?" She cut in.


"Fine, fine." She smiled. "I will be patient. But I must say, I'am proud of you. All of you."

I wanted to say something but oddly, the words wouldn't leave my mouth. Why? I never felt this confused yet sure before. I decided to tap into her mind.

Her shining green eyes stared at me as I explained. Then she laughed and smiled. She suddenly she stood up. I was not sure of her emotions at this point. She wiped her dress of any thing before she turned.

"I will give you and your mate some time."

I was so unfocused that I almost did not since my mate so close by.


I stepped outside for some much needed fresh air. I took in a vast amount of air, the aroma of trees and pine filled my nostrils. I looked across the dimly lit large garden and noticed two figures sitting on one of the benches.

One of them stood up. Athea. She walked away from the other mass and over where I was standing.

"Luna." She smiled. "Your Alpha is waiting." She pointed toward the dark shadow that remand steal.

I nodded and thanked her. I walked across the grass, my heels getting stuck occasionally in to the moist soil.

"These flowers are beautiful." I commented, taking a seat next to him.

"My mom's pride and joy." He joked.

He immediately went silent. I never really realized how tense he was tonight. How spaced out and different he seemed. I was only left to wonder what was lurking in the back of his mind.

"Is something wrong?" I questioned.

"Wrong? No." He looked at me. "You look amazing."

I looked away, strangely blushing from a normal compliment from him. "Well thank you. You dont look so bad yourself."

"Well thank you."

Why did I not believe that he was okay? Why did I still feel a gap between him and I? As if something was pushing him away from me right now. I rarely saw him so low, so unfocused,

"Honestly, whats the problem?"

He ran his hands through his hair, instantly messing it up. Wild and spiky now. I found it sexy I had to admit.

"I just.... I dont know." He spoke. "Have you ever wanted to do something but was sort of afraid to?"

"Well, yeah. A Lot of us go through something like that." I admitted. "Whaaat? Jason afraid to do something? Hell is freezing over." I toyed.

Silence was ruined by our laughs. Even that smile on his face was not..normal. It showed happiness but a little fear and nervousness hid behind it.

"Aniyah." He sighed. "I really, really, really do love you."

Why did I not like the way he said that? His tone. His face. Normally statements like that were followed by the word 'but' and I didn't find that satisfying.

I began to squirm in my seat. My palms now sweaty as I wiped them across my lap. I was antsy now. Nervous and scared the most.

"All I want to do is protect you. You know that right?"

"Of course."

He took my hand into his and placed a delicate kiss on to it. Sweet gestures from him always excited me but at this moment, I was just so damn curious.

"And living without you is one thing I'am not up for." He explained.

He stood up and looked down at me. His body, his face, motionless. Silence, speechless nights like this was not making this conversation any better. I struggled to clear my nagging mind. I listened to the running water of the beautiful marble fountain splash into the vast pool of water.

"W-what?" Was the only word that I could muster up to say when he lowered himself down to one knee. At first, I didn't realize that I was squeezing his hand. Obviously he was unaffected by my weak strength and focused on my face.

Breath. Breath. The air all around me seem to disappear at this very moment. I used my free hand to tug at my tight fitted dress, hoping it helped allow some air in to my suffocating lungs.


I parted my lips and mouthed the words 'Jason' but no sound came out. Just...air. My voice was dry like cotton and horse but my eyes, my eyes seemed to be the only thing mustering up some type of moisture.

I looked down at his hand and back up at him, my blurry vision only giving me the sight of the frame of him. He reached up and wiped my eyes. His touch, the warmth of his hands sent chills across my body.

He smiled. With his free hand, he reached into his suit jacket pocket and pulled a small black leather box.

Oh god, I'm going die. I cant breath.

"Nothing will ever stop me from loving you."

He opened the box. The large diamond glistened. Its beauty lit up my eyes as the moon light reflected off of it. He pulled it from the box and grabbed my hand.

"Aniyah?" All I could feel was cool chills as my name escaped his parted lips. "Will you marry me?"


Taming His Beast (Sex With A Beast Series #2) ✔Where stories live. Discover now