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The next morning
Ozaro: so, what you are trying to tell me is that we need to wait until the new year for that it will take a long time let us start with something else then
Zoya: I guess you are right, but I was planning to go from the easiest to the hardest
* Someone entered Zoya's office*
Jossan* grandpa*: hey, we need to dress formally Park the ghost new year and they are completing 1million years of the rise of their kingdom next week
                 Third person's {point of view}
Both of them looked at each other's faces with a smirk plastering on the middle of their faces discussing the next plan by the look in their eyes. In the next 10 minutes they were all separated into their own individual jobs and as the night falls, they were all in a family dinner meeting to discuss the upcoming plans of the party and still keep the security on high alert just in case
Jia: I really do have a bad feeling about it
Julia: me too I think it is better if we just do not go at all or not at once
Joanna(grandma): enough! this is not based on your feelings we are a royal family and us not going will show our disrespect and that one of the most domestic creature would not put themselves in danger for feelings
With that they all fell for the silence, and nothing was heard except the sound of the utensils touching the plates and with that they called the night off and went to their perspective rooms
                                 Ozaro's p.o.v
As I was about to go to bed, I heard a knocking from the door and when I opened it and I saw my aunt Julia, I invited her in, and we sat on my sofa
Julia: I do not know what you and Zoya are trying to do but I still have a bad feeling about it so whatever you folks are planning to do please stop for the sake of God
Ozaro: *held her hands* everything we are doing we are accomplishing it for a realistically reason and I promise we will protect each other no matter I would not let anything hurt her.

Julia: *looks down with a sigh * please take care both of you, you both matter to me I have always held a place for you in my heart *smiles*
                                The next week
Jossan: are you already we all do on separate cars we need to be there at 1pm sharp and do not forget the bullet-silver proof vest
Jia: I do not have a good feeling about today
Julia: me too but we could not  say anything
Ozaro: you have the holy books with you right*whispers*
Zoya: of course, I do I hope everything goes on well
Ozaro: let us fight with all we got
Zoya: let us do it
                    Zoya's {point of view}
The ride was quiet long considering that they needed to go under the soil and if you ask me, I was about to get all of the holy books out and keep it really close to me just in case. I put my earpiece on I so did Ozaro we heard each other's conversations it is was pretty fun not going to lie, once we reached, we were greeted by every unhuman creatures.
All were trying not to slice each other's throat and just tolerate their presence for the next 48 hours. As we entered the main hotel for wolves (they had to separated them all just in case)
The night rolled by, and the dinner preparations were going by smoothly they had blood and vegetables and medium cooked meet for wolfs and some kind of weird food, but it had a good smell to be fair.
After the dinner they started the after party and the leaders and all of their security guards with them just in case and that is where we disappear.

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