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After a long 11 hours 
                  Third person's point of view 
As soon as they reached back to Korea they went to Eos's and Erica's house to check on them with a doctor on their side after checking that everyone and everything was aright the investigation
Zoya: so, give me your laptop I will try to search in the files.
Ozaro: yes, I can try to figure it out with you
Eos: what were the results of the voice mail
After checking that Erica is still asleep Jossan started explaining about the language and the moral of the voice and then Eos told them that he had started learning vampire language
                            The next day
                     Ozaro's point of view
Me and Zoya were in the car driving to place that was very far away from everything and everyone it was so far that the it even crossed away the werewolf territories it was very weird to see at first I did not even know places like these existed even Zoya did not know this place it was Only grandpa's commands as we reach there were a lot of different  kinds of flowers with many varieties of herbs and color we were both standing like statues.
Suddenly a lot of witches with flying brooms came in and stood in front of us and that is how our day went after telling them that Jeon Jossan is our grandfather.
                         Zoya point of view
I was dressed gently as stunning princess I am and putting the perfume that changed my scent. My hair more like my short blond wig way slicker back with an undercut and changed my eye colors into purple contacts ang basically changed my whole face than I let my shadow clone take care of my other works I looked at the small liquid shots I was about to drink one of those shots like Ms. Na told me
Ms. Na: since you relate to Jossan we will give you the best treatment take these shots they work the best right now. No one will see you, hear you, or scent you except the one who you curse, and it only take three hours so you need to be as fast as possible now go and next time if both of you did not come with Jossan I will curse all of you
Zoya: thank you very much we will sure bring him with us next time
Ozaro: we sure will about the other potion?
Ms. Na: about that * brings a black cream* it gives you a disguise of anything or any person near you.
Ozaro: thank you I appreciate that.
                         Out of flashback

I was ready to go all the way to the vampire kingdom their next in line is still single so since no one is knowing about  the plan no one will see hear or scent me I will fool him and probably everyone                                                                                                                                           I was almost near the vampire instance I quickly chugged down the disgusting potion and quickly started disappearing and repeated the prince name for a while
With that I entered the place and went through a lot of rooms till I found prince carl's  room I need to cause a scene or something so he would notice me, so I found out that there is an open garden balcony in a room very close to the prince's , and I started doing what I know best flexing why? Because every werewolf can do that besides changing to different people and genders and even cultures was a game, we always win in and like I said he fell for all the diamond and gold I have in my dress so easily the plan was set to go.
I knocked on his door twice after checking that all the cameras were working
Right in that moment a blond hair red eyed vampire came out that was around five'9 in height and almost 80 kgs from my point of view but no issue in that.
Carl: * zoned out * how can I help you
Zoya: my name in Nina I was recommended from my queen to be your personal assistant * bow*
Carl: MY personal assistant I will be your assistant if you want what do you want me to help you with anything
Zoya: my prince I am the one who is obligated to help you
Carl: how lucky am I going to get
I really wanted to choke him and kill the whole territories I could not handle them at all it was so hard for me not to kill him I was looking at Ozaro after I finished talking to carl, but I did not figure out where he really is but seeing the red spot I gave him thumbs up forgetting that I was not seen.
                                 Time skip 
A whole week has passed, and the plan was working really well he was deeply in this game of hallucination and since everything was filmed today was the day the film was sent to the king and queen.
                 King albert's point of view
I was going to my room with my wife when I saw a CD on the bed in front of us and carl's name was written on it my heart started racing since nothing good came out of him
Queen: maybe he is trying to tell us something good maybe he found his love or something.
King: I hope that is the case
Queen: let us watch it have some fate in him
I was maybe having a mild heart attack he gave away the gem how could he. He is even talking to the wall and flirting with a vase and doing  a lot of unreasonable things
Queen: please calm down
Carl: I gave them gen to the love of my life she is my princess that mom chose for me
Queen: but I have not even brought down a name for anyone
Carl: does not matter I love her, and she loves me we are going to rule together anyway
King: you are going to kill me * held his chest * call the doctor

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