part 5

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Matt's pov
It's been 2 days since y/n was last hear. Me and her have been going to that field every night and I realized I have feelings for her"guys" I yelled as I ran into Chris's room. "What it's 10 o'clock why are you yelling" Nick said annoyed. "I uh I think I uh may have feelings for y/n" I said stuttering and kinda fast. Nick face was like 😁😍 and he kept making kissy faces at me. "Ew dude stop that" Chris said "Matt I kinda already knew it's pretty obvious" Chris said to me.

2weeks later-

Today's the day where I ask her to be my girlfriend. I'm going to take her to McDonald's and we're going to go to the field and have a picnic and take pictures and I'm going to ask her to be mine.

Your pov

Y/n_offical<3 made a new post!!!!!!!!



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Like by christophersturniolo and 10,234 othersY/n_offical<3 Matty b is taking me out😁😁Veiw comments

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Like by christophersturniolo and 10,234 others
Y/n_offical<3 Matty b is taking me out😁😁
Veiw comments...

Christophersturniolo okayyyyyyyy

Nicolassturniolo slayyyyyyyyy bestieeeeeeeee

Matthew.sturniolo that's right better be ready girl I'm almost there
Y/n_offical<3 pay attention to the road I don't need you dying on me benard🙄😏
User omg y/s/n there going on a date

Veiw more comments...

"Hey" "hey" I got in the car and Matt was just starting at me like 🥺🤤 "omg Matt stop drooling" "what oh sorry are you ready" "yes so is this an official date" "I mean if you want" I just smiled and said "yes" he smiled and we both blushed.

Y/n_offical<3 made a new post!!!!!!!


Liked by Matthew

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Liked by Matthew.sturniolo and 12,456 others...
Y/n_offical<3 Matthew Sturniolo my boy😁
Veiw comments....

Christophersturniolo ayo did he ask you yet
Y/n_offical<3 ask me what

Mathew.sturniolo my girl😁
Y/n_offical<3 i<3u benard
Matthew.sturniolo i<3u too y/n

Veiw more comments........

"Matt what's Chris talking about" "well I was going to wait until lat but"

Y/n_offical<3 made a new post!!!!!!!!


Liked by Matthew

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Liked by Matthew.sturniolo and 12,485 others....
Y/n_offical<3 I said yes
Tagged// matthew.sturniolo
Veiw comments........

Matthew.sturniolo I'm the luckiest guy in the world❤️❤️
Y/n_offical<3 I'm more lucky❤️❤️

Christophersturniolo yes finally

Nicolassturniolo omg yessssss

User omg yayy #y/s/n is real
Y/n_offical<3 yep it's official
Matthew.sturniolo it's always been real but it's just now official

Veiw more comments......

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