Chapter 23

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Bella woke in a confused panic. She sat up looking around at her surroundings, she was outside. Not far away she could see Unser’s warehouse. The warehouse. Those men. The torture. The Volturi. A cold sweat broke out along her skin. 

The Volturi.

The supernatural was coming back crashing into her world yet again.

The Volturi.

They couldn’t fight them. Humans didn’t stand a chance against them. Either they capitulated to their demands or they died. She rolled onto her side and threw up, her head swimming. 

The Volturi.

What could she do? Really? The RPG her dad had shot at Edward hadn’t kept him down for long. He was still alive. And how many RPGs could they get? Could they get bigger, better weapons? Even if they could, vampires were too fast. Aiming would be a hell of a problem. 

She threw up again. In a corner of her mind she realized that she was probably in shock, that someone was talking to her. 

The club wouldn’t believe her, she had to tell them but they would think she was making wild fairy stories. What could she do? She couldn’t imagine any of them backing down which meant they’d all be slaughtered. 

Firm hands gathered her in their arms.

She had nothing to bargain with the Volturi for. Hell, if they saw her they’d kill her on principle. She didn’t want to be a vampire, not anymore. She would have to give up her dad, her mom, Happy, Jax, the rest of the club. She just couldn’t do that. That was their rule though, humans weren’t allowed to know what they really were and live. One look at her and they’d know she knew. She had never met the undisputed leaders of the vampiric world but something deep inside her told her she didn’t want to. Another part whispered that she might have no choice. 

Bella’s hands went to pull at her hair in frustration but a pair of worn, calloused hands wrapped around her wrists stopped her. She had been sat against a tree, her back against the rough bark. 

“C’mon Bells, snap out of it,” a worried but familiar voice said in her ear. Jax. Jax was the one stopping her from ripping her hair out. His blue eyes were wide with concern and his mouth was downturned. 


“Yeah, it’s me Bells, you back with us?” He asked, stepping back from her a little before he squatted down. 

“I… yeah, yeah. Sorry,” she said, trying to breathe normally. She needed to talk to Happy. Like now. She was going to need his help trying to explain this to the club. 

Bella looked around, Clay and Tig looked on with concern, the others were absent. Why wasn’t Happy there? He had been there when she had passed out. Was he trying to get more information out of the two men? 

“Here,” Jax said, passing her a bottle of water. “It got me the first time I saw Happy work too and I don’t live with him. It’s okay to be freaked, but ya know he’d never hurt you right?” 

Bella frowned up at him. What was he talking about? Realization swept through her, they thought she was freaking out because of Happy. 

Bella sighed, she hadn’t even come to terms with what she had seen in the warehouse. It was like she was finally seeing Happy as a whole person. She'd seen his tender side, his caring, his amusement, his annoyed side and everything in between since they had started dating each other. But this was the part she had been missing. The Tamacoa Killer. 

It hadn’t been pleasant. In fact it had everything inside of her screaming. Charlie had been tortured. She had been tortured. She knew what these men felt like. She knew their pain intimately. 

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