Iron Man Part 3

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[Replay of the attack in the first scene mixed with Tony have surgery and screaming. Tony wakes up suddenly with a tube up his nose, laying on a cot in a cave. He rips out the tube and tries to pick up a cup on the table beside him, but fails. He notices a man shaving and tries to reach further but is stopped by wires.]

The gods puked. Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon were fuming that their son/nephew was in pain by these savages but their anger didnt compare to people.

"That's disgusting. How can they do heart surgery without anesthetics. This inhumane. Disgusting they deserve death for forcing that man to break his vow as a doctor and perform such inhumane surgery" apollo the god of healing angrily ranted out. "How dare these mortal disrespect such sacred arts." he thought.

"How dare they hurt my husband. I will kill them. I will make them suffer. Uncle hades i need to torture them can you set up a room in Tartarus for them." aphrodite says with a sadistic glee making everyone apart from tony move away from her in fear. Ares ran and hugged Athena while Artemis had grown a bit of respect for aphrodite after her Hephaestus and aphrodite worked things out they were loyal to each other apart from having an occasional demigod as a duty for camp half-blood.

Yinsen: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

"That's the only thing keeping you alive brother" apollo says still disgusted by the procedure that took place. He respected yinsen thought to be strong enough to save someone in that kind of way must have been mentally traumatic especially since yinsen took a vow to not hurt and save people.

[Tony realizes that he's connected to a battery. He rips off the bandages over his chest to see an electromagnet inside his chest]

"How dare they do this to you my husband," aphrodite says. As she put her head into Tony's shoulders who hugged her back.

[Yinsen and Tony sitting by a small fire. Yinsen is making food while Tony is using a mirror to look at his chest.]

Tony Stark: What the hell did you do to me?

Yinsen: What I did? What I did is to save your life. I removed all the shrapnel I could, but there's a lot left, and it's headed into your atrial septum. Here, want to see? [Pulls out a bottle of shrapnel.] I have a souvenir. Take a look. [Tosses the bottle to Tony] I've seen many wounds like that in my village. We call them the walking dead because it takes about a week for the barbs to reach the vital organs.

Tony Stark: What is this?

Yinsen: That is an electromagnet, hooked up to a car battery, and it's keeping the shrapnel from entering your heart. Hmm? [Tony sips up the jacket he's wearing and looks at the camera on the ceiling.] That's right. Smile. We met once, you know, at a technical conference in Bern.

"What does he mean," ares asked Athena who sighed.

"It's a magnet keeping the shrapnel, metal shard from piercing tony's heart," she replied. The other god who didnt understand but pretended to, made a sound of understanding making Athena grow respect for are least he had the audacity to ask and learn.

Tony Stark: I don't remember.

Yinsen: No, you wouldn't. If I had been that drunk, I wouldn't have been able to stand, much less give a lecture on integrated circuits.

Tony Stark: Where are we?

[Loud voices sound from the another side of the metal door as they open it.]

Yinsen: Come on, stand up. Stand up! Just do as I do. Come on, put your hands up.

"I like this mortal he's trying to help tony," Hestia says as the other gods agreed. Tony smiled he is one of the mortals he respected unlike wanda who cried and bitched about having her parents killed and blamed him for making the weapon, not the person who fired it. Honsen never once showed a bit of malice towards him and he also saved his life. Yinsen knew tony didnt do that in the small time they had but wanda took his sacrifice to her to unknowledge that. The last tony checked on team cap they were being tortured in Tartarus. You don't put a hand on a god and die and go to heaven when to put your mortal hands on a god you forfeit your right to heaven.

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