Candy shop

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Louis works at a Candy shop with his best mate Liam. It's just a part time job he does so he can get some money for college. It was working out really well, he got paid 20£ per hour, and he worked every weekend for 5h.

One day, Louis was just working like every other day, but then, something happened, well particularly Someone happened. It was a rather cold day, and everyone had been wearing coats, but this person who walked in, seemed to not need one, he just had a denim jacket on with a white wool scarf. He had brown curly hair and milky white skin, his cheeks and nose a bit pinkish from the cold and his green eyes glossy from the wind. He looked really good. Hot even. Louis couldn't take his gaze of the boy that had just walked in. He felt like his whole body was weak and he could just crumble to the ground right now. The boy looked around in the shop with a small smile on his face, then he walked up to Louis. He at first looked at the candy behind Louis, then in Louis' eyes.„ Hello!" the man said, omg, that was the deepest voice that the blue eyed boy probably heard.„H-Hi" Louis said back, why was he so nervous, normally he was very chill with customers.„So, this is a bit strange, but do you have any recommendations on what I should get?" He asked, Louis thought about it,„what is it for?" He asked to be able to choose something good.„ well, my sister is on her period and wanted something sweet, specifically from this shop, for some reason" the boy said mumbling the last part. Louis immediately got an idea, he took some salted caramel chocolate and some suckers. He always got these for Lottie when she was on her period.„ Here you go" Louis said handing the boy the sweets that he just packed up, while handing it to him, their fingers brushed and Louis felt electric run thru his blood.„Thanks, you served my life, have a nice one" the boy said waving goodbye over his shoulder and with that, the boy was gone. Louis' eyes watched him turn the corner from the glass doors from the shop till he was out of sight.

——-2 days later————

Louis was a bit sad he couldn't see the curly headed man again. He waited and waited but got nothing. So, now he's sitting in the shop with some chocolate in his hands, he hears the door bells ring and turns around, the second he does he sees the curly headed man, this time with two little kids, a girl and a boy.„Hazza can we get some Swedish fish please?" The boy asks,„ No! I want sour patch kids!" The little girl says. The curly haired boy kneels down to the kids' level and says:„ Don't worry, we'll get what ever you want" the kids cheer and run over to the counter looking at the sweets.„ Oh, hello again! I think I've seen you before." The curly headed one says.„ Yeah, you've been here once" Louis says shyly,„ Well kids you choose what you want ok?" He tells the kids, they both nod at him with beaming eyes,„ I'm Harry" he says smiling offering his hand, Louis takes it and omg his hands are so big and warm his fingers are long and wrap around his hand like a glove.„Loui" He says, he smiles and goes to the kids,„Alright, have you chosen what you want?" He asks, they both nod and come up to me, I look down at them and smile,„So, what can I get ya?" I say,„ I'll have some sour patch kids and a lollipop please!" The girl says, I nod and get a bag to put the sweets in, I get everything she wants and give the bag to her. She's smiling really bright and thanked me, I look over to the boy and he says:„ Can I have some Swedish fish and chocolate kisses please?" Louis smiles at him and says:„ Wow, you are really polite young man" he smiles and points at Harry,„ he taught me to be polite all the time!" Harry blushes slightly and bows down in front of the boy,„ exactly like I taught you Timmy" he says pinching his little cheek, the Timmy boy giggles and backs away a little, Louis gives him the bag with the sweets and looks over at Harry, he's already looking at him and immediately looks down embarrassed by Louis just catching him stare. Louis blushed and offers him a smile, he gives the smile back and Louis speaks up,„ Uhm, that'll make 15,45£ please" Harry gets his Portmonee out which looks really small in his hands, he gives him the money and while doing so he touches Louis hands for a few seconds to long for it to be considered normal.„ uhm, this is going to sound weird but, can I maybe have your number?" Harry says looking Louis in the eyes while holding his hand fully now.„ uhm, y-yeah, of course it xxx-xxx-xxx" Harry let's go of Louis hand and takes his phone out yo write it down. When he's finished he smiles at Louis showing his dimples and waved him(Louis) goodbye. He left with the kids and the sec and he was out of eye sight, Louis felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, he checked who it is and this is what he saw:

Unknown:Hey this is Harry! From the candy shop just a few moments ago! Just wanted you to be able to save me in your contacts! xx

Louis smiled at his phone and answered:

You: Hey Harry, so you want me to save you in my contacts hmm? Eager are we now?

Louis didn't know why he was being a big ready but he thought it was funny.

Unknown: I mean you don't have to, and no I'm not eager or something, just thought it would've been a friendly thing to do yk?

Louis chuckled at his phone and saved Harry in his contacts

You: don't worry I'm just kidding love, it's a joke, plus I'd be pleasured to save you in my contacts! 😌

Hazza: Haha, very funny😒

You: wow, sassy are we now? You can't over power me tho! I'm the sassiest person you'll ever meet!

Hazza: sure

You: shut up

Hazza: anyways gotta go bye Lou!xx

Hazza is offline

Louis had to take a moment to realise what just happened. Harry called him Lou. He saved him as Hazza. They're texting with kisses at the end of their Textes, well Harry but. KISSES! Louis was internally freaking out. His face was pink from blushing.

Louis knew he wouldn't be able to sleep that night.

Sup guyssss! Yea sorry for not loading up my Wattpad is going crazy! I couldn't log in for about two to three days! Anyways part two will be up soon!

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