1. Drake Concert Tickets

247 3 1

Note: the first chapter sucks and so do u.

Amy Chang and Emily Cho were inseparable. They weren't Siamese Twins or anything. They weren't even related. They were lesbians, and their love for each other was infinite. They loved climbing trees. They also worked in a graveyard.

It was Emily's birthday. Amy bought her 2 Drake tickets.

"Happy birthday, honey bunches of noodles!"
"Awww, thanks, FatAmy, you're the beast!"
"So.....whom do you plan on giving the other ticket to?" Amy was hoping Emily would give the other ticket to her.
"I'm gonna give it to Raj!"
"But I like Drake more than Raj does...you should give the ticket to me."
"Did you know that Raj and Lois just had a baby? It's a girl! They named her Rita," she told Amy.
"Oh, I see how it is. Holy wasabi, this day just keeps getting worse..." Amy said.

"Hopefully the next chapter of this story is better..." whispered Baby Rita.

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