Friend, Foe, or Familiar?

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The sun was barely peeking up over the horizon when Yuu jogged down the steps in full Dorm attire. Yuu dug the comfort fit pants, loose T-shirt and leather vest. She'd chosen to pair this ensemble with some sturdy hiking boots, black leather fingerless gloves, and a belt she thought went well with the vest.

The ensemble also came with a large scarf-like wrap with the Dorm's symbol and colors on it which she tied around her waist like a decorative sarape. Along with her clothing she included some tribal jewelry which she chose with a minimalist's eye. Around her neck was a tooth and pearl-like stone choker, on her wrists some wrist cuffs and colorful beaded bracelets. Suited up, she was ready to take on anyone and anything that stood in her way today.

"Mmm today's gonna be great. I can feel it!" She pumped her fists, and jogged the rest of the way out the dorm and through the mirror.

Yuu wanted to take her time getting a feel for the grounds. It was her first time being allowed to wander on her own, and she wanted to soak that in. She studied each of the mirrors leading to the other dorms, her tail waving about curiously. She knew it was rude to wander into someone else's territory without invitation, so decided to go elsewhere for the time being.

She must have been the only early riser as the rest of the school was silent as a tomb. She looked down each and every hall, poking her head into doors, admiring, touching, and sniffing at all the new sights and scents she could find. As her adventure took her into the courtyard she spotted a big apple tree and licked her lips. She hadn't eaten, and while she would have preferred some meat, she wasn't about to be picky.

She attempted to jump for one, but missed by a yard. With a huff, she puffed out her cheeks and checked the sturdiness of the lower branches before starting her climb upward. She let out a sound of victory when she made it to a sturdy middle branch and shimmied down it to grab at a bushel of apples. She opened her mouth wide and sank her fangs into the firm but juicy fruit.

"Mmmm it's not bacon, but it's good." She licked her lips and took another bite. She fashioned her wrap into a pouch and started shoving more apples to take with her later. So... she thought with a bright smile. This is what she'd been missing on. WHat exactly had her father been so worried about? Despite the problems she'd had with that stupid fox, she managed to hunt her own food and take care of herself. "That old man was worried for nothing." She lounged back and took another bite humming. "School life is gonna be a breeze."


"NYAH!" Startled, Yuu jolted, and juggled the fruit in her hand so she didn't drop it. She tilted, and squeezed the branch between her legs to keep herself from falling all the way. She hung upside down now, the pouch with her apples dropping to the ground, and the half eaten one still in her hands. Her slitted eyes blinked and she tilted her head, eying the boy with green hair curiously. "Can I help you?"

Sebek scowled at the tiny lioness, and placed his hands on his hips.

"You should get down from there. Those trees are not meant for climbing, and it is showing great disrespect for school property."

"Sorry, I didn't see a sign that said we couldn't." She put the apple back in her mouth, swung her body up, grabbing the branch before jumping down. She nearly missed the landing, and she plopped into a crouch to avoid looking foolish. Her tail waved around and she grinned around the apple in her mouth.

"You're not in the wild anymore, child of Savanaclaw. This entire property is owned by someone else and you should refrain from doing anything that may damage said property."

"That's rude to say of the trees... Trees belong to themselves as they're living beings just like you and me. They're nice enough to give us shade and sustenance without complaint so YOU should show them some respect." She pulled a second apple from her pouch and shoved it in his hand. "Here, you seem a little hangry. Ciao!" She waved a hand and walked off with a huff.

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