Chapter One: Meeting The Owners

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"Everything packed? Your clothes, money?" Jack asked as he held your shoulders, "Yeah, yeah I have everything!" You reassure him for the fifth time, "I just want to make sure you do!" He exclaimed, sadness drifting into his eye. You smirked and patted him, "Maybe you should focus on not losing your hair." He huffed and hugged you. After he hugged you, you walked over to Peter and Dee. Peter had a sad look on his face, which you hugged it right off of him. And Dee was crying, you smiled at her and gave her a hug aswell.

Saying your goodbyes, you went onto the plane and left for England. Upon arrival, you saw someone holding up a sign saying "Y/N Kennedy!! My new employee!!" You smiled and assumed that was one of the owners of Bon's Burgers. In fact he was, "You must be Y/N! It's so nice to meet you! I'm Jack Walten. You can refer to me as Jack!" His huge smile reminded you of the animatronics back home, "Nice to meet you Mr. Walten." You disregarded his wishes to call him Jack. And you both got into a car, in the passenger seat was a brunette man, "Felix Kranken, nice to meet you." He stated dryly.

"Nice to meet you as well, Mr. Kranken." Felix looked up at you through the mirror in the car, surprised by your formalities. He gave a small smile, "Where'd you learn your manners, Ms/Mr. Kennedy?" Mr. Walten asked you as he drove to where you'd be staying as you got money to buy a house, "Oh! My cousin taught me.. he's the closest thing I have to a dad. Providing for me and his two siblings. Great man." Felix's eyebrow lifted in a way that said he was suspicious of your statements, "He seems like a great man! Definitely would love to meet him some day!"

The three of you had a conversation as Walten drives you to the small house you'd be staying at, "Honestly.. I can't say how grateful I am for you paying rent until I get a house." You said as Mr. Walten came to a halt outside of the house, "Well..! You seemed like an interesting person over the letters I sent! So I had to do this at least!" You smiled and went to settle in, taking most of your luggage. Mr. Walten helped with the rest. Felix just didn't want to be there.

A few years later...

Things went down hill quickly Mr. Walten went missing, Felix is out of the UK, people are dying, you died, Jack and the others died, and currently you were just sitting in silence as you stared at the empty replica of Bon's Burgers. Not knowing where to go. A voice entered the quiet domain, "Sportsy! I think they're over here!" A Boston accent called. A quiet voice replied, but you couldn't hear it. So you just didn't move, staring at the ceiling as you noticed Rose's discomfort with hearing the voices.

A purple male come into view, smiling absurdly at an orange male. Looking at him closely, he resembled your cousin. But you couldn't tell if he was actually him, "Y/N?!" The quiet, orange male yelled. Yep, it was Jack all right. Rosemary looked at you, her eyes wide, "That's your cousin?! He's so... orange." She said casually. You had a look that spoke statements, "Y/N! I need to get you over to our flip side so you can return to a body." Jack said ever so casually as if he had done this before.

  Dragging you with him and the purple man, you just stared at the floor as you ran with them. Eventually making it to the living world. Upon stepping out.. you noticed your hand was gray. Jack noticed this as well, and smiled, "You have a body at least." He said hugging you tightly. He smelled like a dead body, but it was your cousin nonetheless.

Words: 670

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