Chapter Two: Adjusting

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  Sitting in the pizzeria, Jack was eating a slice of pizza that tasted like fucking rats but he had grown used to the taste of it. You were eating the actually decent pizza and Dave was buzzing beside you, "How old are you Y/N?" He asked suddenly. Jack sent a glare his way but Dave dismissed it, "Uhm.. I'm two years younger than Jack.. probably two years older now because of when I died." You stated, nervously scratching your chin.

  The conversation went well.. until Dave asked how you died. You looked so uncomfortable that you were crying. Jack rushed to hold you, feeling protective all over again. It was like your senior prom all over again, your boyfriend stood you up and then you found out he had been cheating on you. So.. Peter went with you instead, since he was in High School as well, and danced with you. Jack nearly killed your ex, "What the hell Dave!" Jack yelled at the man, "I didn't know they'd react this way! I thought it would be spring locks like how we died!" Dave protested.

  Sighing, Jack hugged you from behind. Which calmed you down ever so slightly. Staring at the purple male you finally spoke, "Actually.. it's somewhat close to Spring-locks. Except.. the animatronic that killed me was possessed by my former boss." Y/N's voice wavered when they referred to their boss. Not having talked about Jack Walten in a while. Dave tilted his head, "Huh." The aubergine man said suddenly. Jack looked at you with a look of sympathy on his face, "I still have scars from where he carved my organs out." You said unbothered by the fact you have LITERAL SCARS almost all over your body as little incisions.

  "Ooooh!" Dave chimed, his accent sounding weird with the simple onomatopoeia. You sighed as you pulled your gray shirt up and showed the two of them the lighter gray outlined scars. Two for your kidneys, two for your lungs, one for your heart, one for your entire digestive system, and a few for your excretory system. You then pointed to the lighter skin tones in your mouth where your tongue had been carved out. Jack gagged upon seeing that.

  A laugh was drawn from your lips, your shirt was back down now. An angry red phone came towards the three of you, "Jack! Dave! Where the hell were you?!" It yelled, "Sorry Steve, we were picking Y/N up." Jack said apologizing for all three of you. The rotary phone looked over, "Y/N Kennedy?" It asked. Dave nodded, "Let me get Dee and Peter." The phone then walked away. You were stunned, "Dee and Peter are alive? Are they like you guys?" You asked, "Kind of, Peter's a phone and Dee's a puppet." Jack said as he got up.

  You stared dumbfounded, your family was alive. Kind of. Soon 'Steve' returned with a darker red phone and a puppet. Peter and Dee. Your family. Dee was the first to recognize you and she charged you, "Y/NNNNN!" She exclaimed hugging you, "N/N?" Peter called out, his voice sounded all broken. You smiled at your cousin, "Hello Peter." You said barely above a whisper. He walked over to you and Dee and joined the hug. Jack had a huge grin on his face. He hadn't been this happy since he was alive, no, since the last time he saw you.

Dave dragged Jack over to the three of you and made him hug you. Dave loved seeing his little tangerine happy, so he'd do anything for Jack. You were crying, just so happy to be in the arms of the ones you love. A fizzling sound caught your attention, you spotted a fluffy head of hair. One that belonged to someone who died not long before you did, "Mr. Walten?" You called out to the other

He turned back to you and you saw just how disfigured his face was. Dave made a shocked sound, "WHO DA FAK ARE YOU?!" He yelled. Jack disregarded the aubergine man, "Y/N. I'm so sorry you had to go through what you went through. But on behalf of Felix.. I cannot apologize." Jack Kennedy noticed how the man was in a very formal suit, "Your Jack Walten." He asked suddenly, letting you go. Walten looked at him, "Yes, yes I am. I assume your Y/N's cousin Jack Kennedy. How funny we're both named Jack." You laughed at your former boss's statement.

Dee smiled and pulled away from you, "How was the UK, Y/N?" She asked you, "Oh- quite interesting. There were many things there that I didn't know existed." You rambled on about how different it was from America and your family just listened, asking questions when they didn't know what a thing was. And Jack Walten helping whenever your mind blanked.


Words : 817

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