2. Vacation Time

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Speechless - Beyoncé

January 2016 Early morning

Vincent and Laurel were finally relieved to be going on week's vacation after the holidays were over. Laurel's parents came up to watch the twins while they were gone for the week and send them updates. They got on the plane and passed out during takeoff. Vince groaned at the turbulence he felt while they were landing in the airport in the Bahamas. So much for a smooth landing damn it! Laurel didn't feel anything, until Vince woke her up to leave the plane.

Awhile later

They checked in to the hotel room and took a brief nap. "Vince we should go to beach and get some sun, while it's still light out." "Ok lead the way." When the arrived at the beach they were happy it wasn't packed with a bunch of tourists. Laurel set up the beach towels and chairs, while Vince opened the umbrella and put it in the sand. Afterwards he helped her put on sunscreen and she leaned into his touch. "Don't get any ideas, I know what you're thinking." "Dang it! I hate that you're a know it all sometimes." She relaxed in her beach chair while he swam in the ocean. After resting for a few more minutes she decided to join him in the water. I might as well take a swim since I'm out here!


They decided to go get some food on the boardwalk for lunch and settled on a family owned diner. They got their food and were eating when Vince noticed some paparazzi in a corner booth at the back and frowned. She noticed his disgruntled face and asked, "Vince is something wrong?" "No just some press in a booth against the back wall. They seem to be harmless." "Oh ok. Remember we're here on vacation to relax, so don't stress yourself out   about it. You're security team will handle it if things get crazy." They continued their lunch in silence just enjoying the scenery of vacationers strolling on the boardwalk.

Later that afternoon

They went back to the hotel and washed off the sand and sunscreen from their morning swim. He had to make a few phone calls and she checked some emails. Laurel called her mother to ask about the boys, and they were doing fine. Vince came and got Laurel and had her sit with him on the balcony just looking at the ocean in silence. This was one of the things she liked about him, they could just share space and be comfortable with each other without all the pressures of Hollywood in the way. She didn't want to push Vince, so she heeded Marisol's advice and waited for when the time would be right.

A few days later...

It was after they had dinner one evening, when Vince put his hand on her upper thigh and she froze. Of course he decides to tease me in a restaurant how romantic of him hehe! He laughed at the puzzled look on her face and continued eating dessert. She moved away from him and he moved closer saying, "I have something special for later." "I don't doubt that for one second dear." Shortly after they left and went back to their hotel room.

When they got back to the room, Laurel gasped at seeing the beautiful roses and champagne on the bed. Vince came up behind her and started kissing her neck when her cell phone rang. Thank goodness it's finally happening! She answered it while taking off her heels and putting her purse down. "Hi Marisol, you have the worst timing you know that?" "Yeah I know but I have a question, who have you decided on for your maid of honor? Is it going to be me or your sister Isabella?" "You've gotta be kidding me can we talk about it when I get back to the states?" "Yeah that's fine but remember we need to narrow down a venue for your bridal shower too." Vince took the champagne off the bed and put it on the coffee table and lit the candles next to the bed. "I want the bridal shower to be something small, not too flashy. I have to go Vince is putting on a movie." Marisol would've said more but Vince ended the call and pulled Laurel down onto the bed with him. She scoffed at him, "You've could've at least let me say goodnight." "Whatever, we have more important things to do right now." He pinned her on the bed and she started taking off his shirt when her phone rang again. "More important things like what?", she teased. "Things like this." He kissed her deeply and she moaned pulling him closer. Her phone went to voicemail as they became lost in one another and forgot about the outside world for the rest of the night.


The following morning she was all smiles as Vince sat up and ordered room service for breakfast. She started moving her head towards his crotch under the covers when his cellphone rang. He answered it, talking to Shawn about what music they were going work once he got home. He ended the call rather quickly because he couldn't concentrate when his wife's mouth was on him. He smiled, closed his eyes laid back against the headboard saying, "You're trying to get pregnant again aren't you?" She couldn't answer because room service knocked on the door with their breakfast cart. She got up, threw a robe on and brought the cart in the room. "That's not such a bad thing is it dear?" "We can talk about that more after the wedding is finalized. Let's just do one thing at a time please?" "That's fine, I understand. Who's on our guest list so far?" "Coffee first, then we'll get to that." "Hehe demanding are we?" "Not as bad as you were last night pumpkin." "Hey now that was different! Any way back to the guest list." They ate their breakfast and started working on their guest list in solitude. They both knew that they would be working nonstop about the wedding once they got home.

From This Day Forward (SoMo & Tiffany Evans) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now