Chapter 1

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Shen Qingqiu was slowly waking up, unable to tell what had caused him to wake up at such an early hour of the day, other maybe than the weird apprehensive feeling in his guts. He couldn't tell where it was coming from, as nothing came to his mind to be a possible reason.

He then felt strong arms snaking more tightly around his waist, making him look down towards his husband, feeling a little better at the sight of him. He tried calming himself down a little bit by slowly brushing his finger through the dark locks, watching the peaceful face of the man sleeping next to him.

Yet, as he was ready to try and go back to sleep, a mechanical voice was heard in the silence of the night, making him jump a little.

[System Error: Please wait for end of analysis...]

"What do you mean "System error"!?!?!" Loudly thought Shen Qingqiu towards the annoying System, wondering what it had in store for him this time. While the immortal was having an internal crisis with the System, yet again, the sudden jump and him getting tense again had managed to wake the Demon Lord, "Shizun?" he sleepily called out to his husband.

[The System has detected activity from the original host, please wait for the System to load and get ready for a transfer back out of "Proud Immortal Demon Way".]

Shen Qingqiu was confused about what the System was talking about, feeling himself starting to panic at the thought of being transferred back. Wasn't he dead?! To what was he supposed to transfer back to if his body was dead?!

On the other side of the bed, upon not receiving any response from his Shizun and feeling his rising panic, Luo Binghe was starting to worry, wide awake now. "Is something wrong Shizun?" he asked, worry filling his voice as he detached himself from around his waist, probing himself on his elbow to look at him better.

[30 seconds left until transfer: 30... 29... 28...]

The Peak Lord started to panic, even more, looking back down at his husband, understanding there was no changing what the System was going to do. He couldn't keep up the usual poise expression he had, looking back down at a worried Luo Binghe.

He suddenly pushed him back down, getting half atop of him, cupping his face with his trembling hands. "Binghe!" he suddenly called out to him, searching for what to say in the little time he had left here. "This Shizun cherish you a lot" he suddenly said, the man in front of him frowning slightly.

Normally he would have loved hearing those words coming from his Shizun, yet at the moment his guts were telling him something was wrong. He called out again to him, only to be shushed by a thumb gently placing itself on his lips.

[19... 18... 17...]

"This master is really proud of his husband and loves him with all his heart" he then added, feeling like this was an important thing to say right now. He pressed his thumb down a little more firmly, keeping the man from interrupting him.

"Listen to me, I don't have the time to explain, but know that this Shizun would never voluntarily run away from you" he quickly said, feeling the Demon Lord suddenly tense underneath him.

[9... 8... 7...]

He felt so powerless against the cruel situation the System had suddenly thrown him into. He could feel the side of his eyes watering, trying to keep in check the tears that were most likely coming.

There was too little time to say all the thing he should probably have said more often to Luo Binghe, and all he could do was kiss him in an attempt to make all those feeling go through it. He was kissing him as if his life was depending on it, knowing it would be the last one.

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