Chapter 7

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A rather domestic routine had fallen onto them afterwards, still waiting for Luo Binghe to fully recover from the effect of Xin Mo. In his words, and since Shen Yuan couldn't really check himself, he should be soon able to use it again to go back.

It was a strange kind of domestic routine. Not that they didn't have one before, they did, but it was different. Nothing was this calm and without problems coming from everywhere. He had to admit that he did neglect his Peak Lord duties, but Luo Binghe couldn't just do that too. Also, for some reasons, he would keep on running into weird situations, most probably left from plots the Demon Lord was supposed to have with one of his wives.

But now? It was getting up a bit late, since he still hadn't made the move to find a new job, and keeping Binghe at his side so he wouldn't be alone in the bed. Then the Demon Lord would wake him up a bit more, also taking advantage of him waking up to go and start breakfast. The day would go by either watching some movies, anime, reading together or going out. Luo Binghe seemed to rather enjoy going out, even if they never really bought anything. The way his Shizun would do his best to show him around was something he really likes and would keep on enjoying.

Just like right now, Binghe would start making lunch earlier, just to make sure he can make enough food for his Shizun and for him to eat on time. He had tried to explain he didn't mind the time, as long as they ended up eating, but of course, Luo Binghe couldn't accept doing under absolute perfection.

He was simply sitting at the table, reading on his computer while throwing glances back to his husband form time to time. The demon seemed to have gotten used to the kitchen, which was good. But now it was to a point where he was better than Shen Yuan in it. Really, the human had no chance when it came to his cooking skill. What good luck he had to have Binghe.

Their peaceful moment of silence, filled by the sound of meat cooking, was disturbed by the sound of someone knocking on the door. The Demon Lord was the first to react, saying he would get it. Shen Yuan simply hummed as he finished reading a paragraph, before frowning slightly.

Wait, someone had knocked at the door? He straightened up a bit, turning around to see his husband already opening the door. There was a moment where no one said anything before a confused and feminine voice came to his ears "I-is Shen Yuan here?".

At the question, the young man got up and quickly got to the door, making sure Binghe wouldn't ask any rude question. "A-Jiao , I didn't know you were coming today," he said, surprised to see his sister at his door. No chance to prepare a lie about Luo Binghe then, he would need to find something on the spot.

His sister hummed as her gaze never strayed from looking at the Demon Lord, "I messaged you a couple of days ago, since you never answered me I decided to come here since I was worried" she admitted, before turning back to him, a small smile drawing itself on her face, "But I can see you are doing better now".

Shen Yuan was looking a little bit more healthy. He clearly had been eating better since the last time she saw him, and the signs of fatigue were less there too. She was able to assume it was because of the tall man standing behind him.

Shen Yuan made her come in, going back to the table as Luo Binghe went to finish his preparation. The smaller man would ask to make a bit more for his sister, yet from the look of it, there was already plenty of food for the three of them. "I'm sorry for not responding last time, I got distracted," he said, remembering checking quickly his notification when they went to the mall, but never actually replying to her.

She shrugged it off, simply asking him to try and not do that again. She then turned towards Luo Binghe who was coming towards them with plates, still wondering who it was. The taller man sat close to his Shizun, distributing the food around.

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