Extra: Shen Yuan e-mail

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Hey sis.

I haven't written an e-mail to you in years, it feels a little bit weird to do, but I needed to tell you something and couldn't do so with you freaking out (maybe?).

I wanted to warn you that I decided to go back home with Binghe. I don't want you to worry or freak out, so I am warning you right here. I came to the conclusion it would be better for me to do so and also because this is something I really want, so I am going with him.

You can come to take whatever you want in my apartment, I am sure they will be in good hands with you, you have my permission to do whatever you want with them. I even give you my Peerless Cucumber account if you want to read the novels I bought.

I feel like I can't tell you too much without it sounding like I am crazy, but take a look at "Proud Immortal Demon Way" synopsis, maybe it will give you a better idea? I am sure you will still find me crazy if you get it, but whatever. But don't read it!! That novel is really bad and not worth your time, I am warning you!

I am sorry to leave you with such a burden, but could you try finding an excuse for our parents? You can tell them I ran away with a lover of mine and I will be perfectly okay with this story since this is exactly what I did. I cannot tell you where I went since you wouldn't be able to reach me but know I will be well where I am going back to, you must not worry about it.

Know I will miss you and that I am deeply sorry for doing this again.

Shen Yuan.

P.s: really, don't read Proud Immortal Demon Way, it's garbage.

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