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"She was only in her late twenties when the Empire was invaded. It came unto them like the calm before a storm.

Recently crowned Empress, she worked to improve her image and for the betterment of the country. She was happy with where she was, content with life as it is. 

Oh, if only such a thing could last.

Renowned as a war hero, she was loved by her people and hated by other countries. So they waited...year after year, after year...until she let her guard down.

The first flame of war started at the northern border, and quickly tore through defenses as the enemy headed straight for the capital. Refugees came rushed in daily, flooding the streets and resorting to robbing from others in their desperation.

Her Empire, her beautiful Zheng dynasty, turned barbaric in only two months.

So she did what any monarch would do in revenge, and declared war, going into battle herself.

She entrusted the Empire to her sister and headed off to the battlefield for five long years. Once she returned, her army was met with the rage of her citizens. Rotten food was thrown at their faces, stones were chucked at their bodies. The violence drew in suspicion.

What had happened while she was away, my child?"

"Her sister betrayed the Empress in her greed for power. Convincing the populace that she was the one who went to war and that the current Empress had deceived them, as the two had a shared appearance due to being twins. She was now sentenced to execution by beheading."

"Correct. Upon the day of her execution, the former Empress' hatred grew. She resented the sister she had taken care of since young and screamed out to the cheering crowd.

"I swear upon my name as Feng Qiuyue, that your sins and misdeeds shall be revealed one day. And when that time comes, you will beg for mercy yet receive none just like my soldiers have. I curse your descendents with my death!"

As sword met with neck, an overwhelming aura came forth and struck at the evil sister's heart. The pain was immeasurable, like a thousand knives stabbed at her and twisted around for more pain.

This was how much the former Empress' hatred weighed..."


"Heng-jie jie! Look at the mantis I found!"

Her brother held a green insect closer to her face and smiled brightly.

Another child, younger than the first, came up to her quietly. He handed her a red apple, shyly sitting next to her after he did.

"That's amazing, Jing Ke!" She smiled gently. "And you found such a big one too!"

"I did!"

He was so happy that his sister was proud of him. The younger one, who sat quietly by her side, tugged at her long sleeve. Wanting to be recognized for the fruit that was in her hand.

"You did good too, Congzhi."

He was one of the more quiet ones in this family, opting to use his voice less in favor of peaceful silence. 

Hurried footsteps, heavy and loud, approached the pagoda in their garden. The slam of the sliding door revealed the children's father, shirtless as he always was, smiling so happily that the two boys rushed over to him at once.

"Father, welcome back!"


He scooped the young boys into his arms and laughed loudly.

"Jing Ke, Congzhi! How are my sons doing today!?"

"Very good, Heng-jie jie played with us all day!"

"It must have been a lot of fun then."

"Yes, it was!"

The father was proud of his only daughter. From the time she was born up until this very moment, she'd always been mature and kind to her siblings, a role model of upmost perfection. She didn't cry, nor does she show any sadness, which initially threw both him and his wife out of a loop, always seeming content with life at such a young age. Even their most quiet son cried as he was born and were happy when the household doctor told them nothing was wrong with her.

"Yuheng, come here."

She stood up and walked to her father's outstretched arms.

"Was the branch family making a fuss about my inheritance again?"

He engulfed the small girl in his arms, relaxing a bit and slouching forward into her hold.

"Yes, your mother and I have been dealing with their constant nagging all day. 'She's a girl' this, 'She should be married off' that. Ughhhhh."

The current head of the household complained about his day, right up until the moment his wife was at the door.

"You should at least stop your blabbering to our daughter and work on the papers given out today."

"But darling~"

"Don't 'but darling' me. Be a good example to our children and go!"

He sulked like a kicked puppy and walked off, disappearing as he took a turn down the corridor.

Yuheng's mother was dignified, holding close to her heart the older virtues of a woman. She was engaged to their father in an arranged marriage, only finding love with each other after being with the other for three years, and conceived four sons and a daughter.

"Child, your test is tomorrow correct?"

"Yes, Mother."

"I know that you'll do well, so don't be too nervous, okay?"

"I won't."

The older woman turns to follow her husband to the study.

Yuheng smiles brightly at her two brothers. "How about we eat this apple together, hm?"


"Mh. (Yes)"

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Name: Feng Yuheng

Age: 15

Height: 164 cm.

Birthday: October 10th

Quirk: Vector Manipulation

- can redirect and amplify the magnitude of objects she touched

- she has created a force field of sorts to automatically redirect registered harmful elements by calculating simple vectors in her head, though simple may be an understatement

drawback(?) - has to have the calculations down to the exact number at the time of activation or else her quirk doesn't work; also requires excessive use of the brain which means she has a sugar intake above the average adult to avoid burnout (kinda like how a computer overheats)

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𝙿𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛: 5/5

𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚎𝚍: 4.5/5

𝚃𝚎𝚌𝚑𝚗𝚒𝚚𝚞𝚎: 4.5/5

𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎: 4/5

𝙲𝚘𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: 3/5

𝚃𝚘𝚝𝚊𝚕: 21/25

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