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Loki carefully shifted to the edge of the bed. Dr. Banner by his side, he was finally able to get out of the bed. The trickster slow shifted his weight and stood up, he gripped on to banner tightly when dizziness hit him. "Its normal to feel dizzy" 'for a human  maybe' Loki wanted to quip back. He didn't want to anger the hulk and be stuck in the blasted bed longer. The pair began to.take small.steps over to the windows where a chair awaited. Though it took minutes to long he made it and sat in the chair.  "Thank you Banner" he got a nod and the scientist walked out. The small side table had a cup of tea and more books to keep him occupied. The Aesir picked up the tea the smell was more herbal then usual. It smelled familiar. Loki was hit with a glimpse of his past.

Stone walls, cauldrons bubbling away, elegant stained hands cutting up ingredients, and a boy with glasses sitting on a stool nearby chatting away to him. He was soon back to the present, he shook his head and took a sip. Then conjured a journal and pencil writing what he saw inside. He had a few remeber moments this week not enough to even cover what he lost. Just of a castle with long corridors, strange banners, and cauldrons, a skull with a snake wrapped and coiled oddly. The boy was new, he had a faint scar as well. He sketch the lighting bolt shaped scar next to it.  There was a gentle knock at the door, once again Severus was there. He visited daily, to keep him company while he read. though this time it looked like the man never slept. "Afternoon Severus." The darkly dress man came in and sat in the other empty chair adjacent to his. "Afternoon Loki" Severus cracked open a book, not long after so did loki rereading what he wrote in his journal. It was a few moments of silence before loki had to ask. "Was it nightmare plaguing you last night?" Snape was silent and just nodded.

It was the usual ones, the screams and the life less eyes. The fear that he may never see his loved ones again if he made a wrong move or said the wrong words. But he could tell this man that. It was his loki but is wasn't at the same time. "Do.you want to talk about it?"  The wizard shook his head no.  "That's not something I want to bring up right now." Loki nodded but he couldn't leave well enough alone. "when I have nightmares it's usually of my father or falling into the void of space" the other shook his head. "Mine are worse then that I'm afraid" they went back to silence.

After a while loki looked over to see Sev barely awake trying to fight it, "Severus can you help me back to my bed?" The other nodded and set his book aside, he stood and gently lifted the other. Loki was shocked he thought the man would do what Banner did and let him walk just supported. When severus set him down he moved over to make room and patted the spot next to him. "Lay down" the dark wizard looks dumbfounded for a second. "No I don't think-" he was cut short when Loki pulled him down onto the bed. "You clearly won't let yourself sleep so, rest and I will keep away the nightmares for a bit." The other blushed but in all honesty couldn't fight it anymore. The body next to him was warm and it was loki, not quite his yet, but was loki. He missed him.... it was long before sev was out cold. Loki knew it would take long, he gently took of the man's jacket leaving sev in a tshirt. He decided to dress like a muggle while he is here to blend in more.

The mark that Loki remembered was on Severus' for arm clear as day. Though it was faded and wasn't moving. He would have to ask later, Snape began to let out  quiet whimpers and groans. Loki instinctively ran a hand through the dark locks, his hair softer then it looked. The man quieted and was back to an easy slumber. He may not mentally remember their past but physically he did. Not once had he done that before to anyone. 

Thor soon came in and saw the sight. "Did you remeber yet?" The trickster gave him a look. "Remember what?" Thor felt sheepish "nevermind, what have you remembered?" Loki pass him his journal. "Ah I see, you remembered hogwarts at most and Harry. The others I can't quite tell what it is yet."

'Harry' that trigger a whole mess of twisted memories. The many nights he held the panicked boy, his awful aunt and uncle. The grins when he did well on a assignment. The lad calling him dad over and over again. "How do I forget my kid, I am an awful parent." Thor patted his brother on the back, "it was a pretty bad hit Loki, you barely remembered the avengers" when loki remembered Harry he also go a glimpse of a shadowy figure like he couldn't put a face or voice to them. "Thor who was Harry's other parent, I remeber he called someone else papa. I just can't put a face to it though" thor looked sad. "I can't help you yet with that one yet, but when you wake I'm sure Severus can help you contact harry." Thor soon left explaining the magic school to him as much as he could. So it was once again him and Snape. Severus shifted curling up more against the god and draped an arm acrossed him waist. Loki blushed but didn't dare move it not wanting to wake the man. So he ended up reading more and practicing his magic abilities.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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