序章 | Prologue

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On a cloudless night, Urakami Castle was alive with noise and slaughter. Something had made considerable progress through the halls as it decimated everything in its path up towards the peak of the central tower.

And surrounded by dozens of his samurai and ashigaru armed with matchlock muskets and katana, accompanied by his scowling retainer as she stood fast with her sword drawn and leveled at the heavy wooden doors at the front, Lord Urakami Nobusame quivered in his lavish quarters amidst an pungent pool of his own fear.

 The Hyur shook with every blood-curdling scream that echoed throughout the halls of his palace. The haunting silence that followed each one never lasted for long before another took its place, as they grew louder than the last. He reached out to clutch his retainer by the sleeve of her kimono. "N-Nishi...wh-what is happening? W-who is it? Who is coming? Is i-it an assassin?"

 Nishi tore her arm away from his grasping fingers. "Milord, sit down and let me handle it. Grabbing onto me and interfering with inane questions is a sure-fire way to ensure our demise."

 Another muffled shriek shook the room, as it faded into the halls.

One of the ashigaru, quivering in her uniform, swallowed a lump in her throat as her eyes darted between the terrified Lord Urakami and the glaring Nishi. "...I-I heard it's probably the-"

"Say another word, and I shall cut you down where you stand," Nishi growled, her brow darkening.

"W-who is it, girl? T-tell me!" Lord Urakami interjected, pushing past his retainer. The ashigaru, caught between the blubbering mess of her Lord and Nishi, sewed her trembling lips shut. Her skin turned as pale as the moonlight streaming through the screens behind them, leading to the balcony.

Another cry of agony sliced through the stillness, cut short as suddenly and succinctly as it came.

"...t-the D-Demon," the ashigaru let her fear overcome duty as she mumbled through chattering teeth. She stared blankly ahead at the entrance to the room. They all flinched as they heard their comrades shouting outside in the halls.

"Kanojo ga kuru!"

"Where did she go?!"

"Get back towards cover!"

"W-watashi...watashi wa shinitakunai–"

This time, the squelching of steel chewing through bloody flesh, the sickening crunch of bones cracking, and the harsh bark of matchlocks belching smoke and flames accompanied the panicked pleas. Heavy feet galloped towards the room, stomping a deafening storm.

 "W-who is this 'Demon'?! What does it want with me?! I demand you to tell me!" Lord Urakami wailed, grabbing ahold of Nishi's arm once more. She shoved him back with enough force to send the man sprawling onto the floor. He splashed onto the yellowy puddle of his cowardice and soaking his silk robes.

"Barricade those doors! Now! Do not let anyone through!" Nishi barked, as the retainers scrambled to their feet. They hurriedly slid the thick wooden bars across the doors, just as the fleeing guards slammed against them from the other side. The doors rattled with an onslaught of fists as the bedchambers resounded with the sound of nails digging into mahogany.

"Gunners! Front and center, in two rows! First row kneels, second row stands! Fire at my command, and only on my command!" Nishi pointed to their positions with the tip of her katana. The room was soon awash with the sounds of matchlocks clicking into place, as the soft glow of the lit matches illuminated fearful faces.

The retainers outside cried out for their comrades inside, banging on the barricade as their voices, fraught with delirious desperation, began to fall silent, one by one.

"Let us in!"

"P-please! S-She's coming!"

"Kamigami no ainotameni, tobira o ake!"

"ĪE! ĪE!"


The last cry drowned in a gurgling fountain of blood as a katana, coated in viscera, punched through the wooden door.

"FIRE!" Nishi howled, and a dozen arquebuses roared in response, hammering the door with a volley of musket balls. Lord Urakami wheezed as he fought to choke back the plumes of gunsmoke that flooded his bedroom. He fought back the tears welling in his eyes, rubbing the sting out of them as he soon found himself alone in a murky cloud of acrid smog. Stumbling onto his feet, Lord Urakami felt along the walls, rubbing his hands against the surface until he found the paper shoji screens leading to the balcony.

"NO, YOU DAMNED FOOL! GET THE HELLS AWAY FROM THOSE BACK DOORS!" Lord Urakami heard Nishi scream at him somewhere within the smoke. Before he could heed her warning, he had slid the heavy screen panels open as a thin sliver of moonlight illuminated the room–and was thrown to the floor once again as the doors crashed violently inwards, breaking off their frames.

 Something had come through, and it quickly devoured the room in a wave of chaos and bloodshed.

Coming to his senses, Lord Urakami dared not move from his place, pinned beneath the screen doors. He could make out a blindingly quick form painting the smoke black with her shadow, as well as flashes of silvery steel. His whimpers became screams as crimson splashed upon the paper screens just ilms from his face. He covered his ears as gunshots rang out in tandem with the cries of the dying. A body collapsed near his feet, clutching a torn throat and shuddering as it convulsed the last of its life.

Lord Urakami lost what little remained of his bladder, as well as the contents of his stomach. And yet, he could not find the courage to wipe his lips, curling himself inwards once the screams, the violence, and the gunfire had died to a deathly silence. He waited beneath the screen door for what seemed like eons to him before daring to squeak a small "Nishi?"

No one answered. He repeated himself, and was met with a short grunt. Crawling out from under the rubble, he espied the familiar silhouette of his personal retainer, standing stock-still amidst the smoke. He crept closer, his slippers finding unsteady purchase on severed limbs and sword handles. He fought the rising bile in his throat as he slowly pressed forward, reaching her at last. Her back was turned to him, but he managed a small smile of relief as he tugged on her sleeve.

Nishi's head slid off her neck, bouncing on the floor with a meaty thump as her lifeless eyes, twitching with an angry expression, stared up at him. His skin turned clammy and cold. He could not muster the strength to scream in terror. Instead, he scrambled to the open balcony. Tripping over the bodies of his erstwhile defenders, he bore witness to their carved corpses, littering his bedroom floor with mouths agape and covered in their own intestines. Nishi and her best warriors, his personal guard, paid for with lavish amounts of his own wealth, were laid to waste in the matter of a couple of bells as he clambered over them to meet the cool night wind.

Lord Urakami sucked in greedy mouthfuls of sweet air, struggling to his feet as he continued his escape in a panicked run. He glanced behind him every so often, to catch a glimpse of whatever beast, whatever Demon, had made such short work of his entire retinue. He did not have time to see the end of the balcony as he slammed into the railing. He teetered over the edge, yelping as he stared down at his castle grounds far below.

A hand snatched him by the collar and jerked him backwards, back onto the balcony. He clutched his heart, pounding erratically in his chest. He turned to see his rescuer; perhaps someone had survived the carnage, and would usher him to safety?

Cold white eyes as pale as the snows were the last thing Lord Urakami Nobusame saw as the blade slashed through his neck. His body plunged to the ground below and splattered at the bottom of his magnificent castle in a pool of his crimson. Urakami Castle fell silent on this cloudless, blood-soaked night.

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