Words Unsaid Pt. 1

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'I got it!' Brad said rapidly over the phone. He had one minute to call you before he had to be changed and up on the deck and ready to fly.

'Well done, Baby!' You cheered. 'Nicky and I are very proud of you.' You looked at your baby who sat on his high-chair. 'Be safe.'

'I wi-'

'Bradshaw! Get your ass up here!' You heard Phoenix shout over the call.

'Coming!' Brad replied. 'Honey, I've got to go.'

'Be as safe as you can.' You smiled. 'I love you, bye.'

'Bye.' Brad then hung up. You blinked once or twice before shaking off the fact that Brad didn't say 'I love you' back. He knew how important it was to you about saying 'I love you' to anybody before travelling. When you were ten, you didn't say it to your father, and he passed away in a horrible car crash. Ever since then, you felt the need to say it. That's, ironically, how you and Brad started dating once he joined the Navy.

Your baby then started to giggle. You looked up and realised he'd grabbed your phone from the table and was about to throw it on the floor.

'Nicky!' You lectured as you grabbed the phone off him. 'You cheeky baby.'

Nicky's large brown eyes looked up at you. He had a rounded face, something he got from your side of the family, with eyes the size of dinner plates. So innocent and curious about the world. They had the same chocolate brown that Brad had, and the same messy brown hair he did as well. You say that he has his lips, but he insisted he has yours, but Nicky definitely has your skin tone.

When you found out you were pregnant with Nicky, Brad was so excited. Two weeks before being born, he finally broke down in tears and confessed how terrified he was about becoming a father, and the possibility of him passing away while on a mission or in training like his father. It took all your strength to reassure him that everything will be alright, but inside you were broken hearted for him.

As these memories made their way into your mind, you scooped Nicky up and hugged him tightly, swinging him back and forth gently.

'I'm sure it was an accident, Buba. Right?' You hummed softly.

Nicky gurgled and put his tiny hand on your cheek.

'You're right, Nicky. It'll be alright.' You smiled before taking his hand and planting a soft kiss on his chubby little fingers.


Brad couldn't think as he heard the words, 'Maverick's down!' coming from Phoenix's mouth. Having no idea what was compelling him to do so, he turned around, prepared to sacrifice his life for Maverick against everyone else's better judgement. He rescued Maverick, only to strand himself on the ground as well.

After a short fight, when Maverick completely contradicted himself, they started to walk the few miles to the airport, hoping to find something to help them there. Something kept eating at Brad, he wasn't sure what it was, but something was sitting in the back of his mind. It was nagging him that he forgot something, or didn't do something.

'I didn't know you had a baby.' Maverick said after a few minutes of silence. 'I saw her photo in your locker.'

'Yeah. he's five months old.' Brad smiled at the thought of Nicky. 'His name is Nicky.'

Maverick let a smile onto his face. 'Like your Dad.'

'Yeah, like him.' Brad chuckled. 'He really looks like my wife.'

'Did you marry Y/n?' Maverick asked. Before his mother died, Brad had invited Maverick to his high-school graduation, where Maverick met you. This was way before you two had started to date. It was raining and you slipped and sprained your ankle. To cheer you up, Brad gave you a piggy back across the stage.

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